well i got a deer last night, he' no where near my biggest but it was a wild hunt and i never pass a good buck when hunting time gets short between me and gun season. If i could never hunt again i would be happy man with the way this hunt played out. so pics first and i will tell the story in the next day. but i will say the ( can ) brings another one down for me.
this deer came across a 100 acre standing bean field with a small 8 point leading to my stand in a row of trees separating the beans to standing corn the deer use the corn for cover and run up and down the fence row that is about 30 yards wide by 400 yards long, I watched both bucks for about a half hour mill there way towards me, at about 100 yards i used the can call and the small buck looked my was and walked right in to my set up smelled the doe in heat i put on the trail that goes by the stand and into the corn, The larger buck in tow about 100 yards back and is going to take the same trail, when he stops to smell the primos synthetic estrous i am already at full draw and release the arrow and it hits with a load twack the buck turned and walked back into the standing beans (walked) like i missed him he looked over his shoulder and he walked out into the beans 20-30-40 he would look back and turn like he was going to come back stood out at forty yards for ten minutes looking back at me,i looked thru the binocks but could not see any blood for what seemed like forever. Then he sat down on his rear haunches like a dog his large rack looking back and forth scanning the tree line, i was in shock what the H&!! sitting down?? then i went into wait -wait i have never seen this before he must be hit. again what seemed to last forever he then laid on his side but still moved his head back and forth. so from my left out walked the small eight the brought him to me, he walked up to the buck then made small circles around him as the big buck laid down dying as if morning the loss himself. this went on until dark some 35 min later and did not leave him until i stepped into the beans. I must say this kind of got to me, seldom do we watch a deer die they most of the time run off and we dont see the last minutes of a life taken. It was sad and strange, never seen a deer morn the loss of another deer but i cant explain it any other way. after 37 years of bowhunting goes to show i havn't seen it all.
Nice buck ultra. I haven't seen what you describe, but I have seen another buck attack a dead buck. I guess he was getting a little revenge from an ass whoopin he got earlier. Neat story you got there.
thanks for reply, jm this was so strange, when i got up to him i didnt know weather to cheer and hoop and holler or break down and cry. I guess if i ever lose the feeling's i go thru when deer hunting when things go good or bad i should quit. huh! thanks for the reply.
Great buck, and wow...cool story. I've never seen a buck do that, but I have seen fawns do it to mama. I agree, kinda gets to you sometimes. I guess that's the human side of us. Good stuff, congrats!
thanks for posting guys. it really means a lot to me. my hunting has changed over the years and my hunting seems to be more about the things leading up to a successful hunt then the rack i bring home. as i stalked up to the deer,arrow at the ready and the not knowing was killing me. i was up and down with emotions of this hunt i got to him and he was done.and i was a wreck. And like the small buck ,i to circled the buck i had shot in disbelief and then i began pumping my arm saying i cant believe it.. i cant believe it. yes yes, then i thought about what all had gone on this day, big smiles and tears at the same time. truly one of the best days afield in my life with the good and the bad of it, the ups and downs of emotions and a life taken, i drove home to get the boys to help me and they asked me how many points it has and i could only say i didn't know i didn't think it was important at the time i left the buck in the field. me and my son RJ lifted his head and counted them together.
nice buck, congrats i have never seen a deer sit down that would have been neat, i have seen deer go up to down deer to investigate. last gun season i shot a young 5 pointer, busted 8. i got down looked at him, got back into the tree, dropped something, climbed down and up again. waited 10 minutes and grunted, within 5 min. i heard walking behind me and straight to me, it was a doe, she walked up to the buck walked in a circle twice, like what happened, then walked right back to me and i dropped her. i also have had at least 4 occasions that i've seen deer investigating gut piles and 2 of them ate off the piles. it's story's like this that make hunting great, i learn something new each time i hunt , and i know it makes me a better hunter, congrats again