Man... You are like a magnet for bad luck. In all seriousness, Gary, you're a good dude. It really sucks to see bad things keep happening to a good egg. If there's anything I can do, you know how to get in touch bro.
Gary, I hear you about that knife---that sounds rough. I had a lucky hat that I used for many years. It was the hat I used when I took my first deer with a bow in 2002. I used that hat when I needed luck and it always seemed to come through for me. I wanted to keep that hat forever, until some sob stole all my hunting clothes from my truck.
I wore the dang thing for luck today during my afternoon deer seen. I did however see some chestnut trees that were about ready to drop in a few days. Maybe that was the luck it brought! Oh yeah I forgot, an old friend of mine asked me today to come up and hunt with him for a couple days in late October (same place I killed my first two bucks, 15 years ago---place is loaded with deer) all in all, that dang hat IS lucky! Thanks Jeff.
just got on today for the first time this evening ... man real sorry to hear this crap Gary, like Quick said, you dont deserve this chit, Can I help? I have a bunch of extra chit, arrows, broadheads, release... let me know please, shoot me a pm. My extra release is a brand spankin' new..its yours bud if you need it.
Damn Germ that sucks and I know about 2 months ago someone broke into my wife's Envoy and stole her brand new Razor and about 20.00 in change. I mounted my remington ghost on the roof but never caught the culprits. I wish I could have caught them sitting up there with my remington rifle.