Well Steve, I tried out the Selway Detachable quiver that I got such a great deal on. No, not cool. I hate it. It evidently is designed for only certain thickness risers. Will not stay in place on the riser, can not tighten enough, fletching touches unless you only put in like 4 arrows (6 arrow quiver). I am not happy at all with it. Oh well, you live and learn. Let me know if you have any luck with the new one you ordered. My riser has the threaded inserts, so I think I will look for something that attaches that way. Anyone want a 6 arrow Selway quiver with extra hood foam and extra arrow gripper? :d Shoot me a PM quick or it's going to AT classifieds. Bobby
Being you have threaded Inserts, that's the way to go. I wish I had them, there much more stable and sturdier. Sorry for your bad luck Bobby, bites doesn't It??!! Will do!!