Well looks like I may have lost my access to private land. It seems the husband found a girlfriend and was removed from the property by his wife by gunpoint. Wife was arrested,gun seized, husband filed restraining order. I have three tree stands and two years worth of scouting that will go down the tubes. This is the second time I have lost rights to hunt due to divorce of land owners. I plan to ask her for permission to keep hunting or at least remove my stands. It doesnt look good though. Sorry I had to vent.
That stinks mud. Maybe agree to pay the wife's court costs to continue to hunt? Or get the husband a "girlfriend" every now and then.....
Good with a gun though, huh? LOL Sorry about your misfortune. I hope you can at least get your stands back.
Aithough the wife is disgruntle right now, she most likely will allow you to at least retrieve your stands.....at the very least. Now if for some dumb reason she blames you for any of those or thinks you were in the "know" of all this........well......time to buy new stands. I hope all works out for you.
That sucks. Why wouldn't the wife continue to let you hunt though? My land owners are in their 70's so I'm hoping I'm safe. If not I'm going to have to take one for the team. The land is too good to let it slip away.
12-pack and a dark room can make ALMOST any woman beautiful. I believe as the song goes "Billy has his beer goggles on"!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORqzaOFUCsg
I am hoping she will, but due to the fact that I worked with him and he gave me permission its not looking good. I will just give her some time to regroup and see how it goes from there luckily season is coming too an end.