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NOT about sheds.. But maybe you shed hunters can fill me in.....

Discussion in 'Shed Hunting' started by bowmanaj, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. bowmanaj

    bowmanaj Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 15, 2009
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    SE Indiana/SW Ohio
    ****(I originally posted this on the reg. bh forum, but I realized I might have better luck getting information from one of you veteran shed hunters.. All those hours searching in forests and especially open farm fields... maybe some of you know have experience, have found, or know something about these arrow/spear heads?? I know very little and I'm curious)...

    These were all found by one of my hunting mentors Tom Hess, in SE Indiana cornfields over the last few decades. He would go out shed hunting and arrowhead hunting in late winter-through spring. But obviously the best luck came from walking farm fields immediately after the grounds turned-up. Uncle Tom was the man to take me on my 1st few hunts at a very young age.. Doves, quail, rabbits.. There are 5 or 6 sets/cases like this that my great uncle Tom found and compiled, walking the fields in Switzerland and Ohio counties, in Indiana.. He left me this case after he passed away 2 years ago. I finally brought it home with me from my mom's, when I visited her on Turkey day. It fits the hunting lodge decor of my new house well haha..I need to get the case open(no key) and fix the one head that slid down. It's amazing and very impressive to look at these things in detail. I wanna research them more and the areas they were found in. I know the Shawnee Indians were in my area. Their territory comprises all of SE Indy, with the Delaware Indians close but a little farther I'm going with Shawnee.. Also, the sizes of some make me wonder are these all arrowheads? Is the big one in the middle, or larger notched ones.. spear heads? (sorry for the not-so-great pic..)


    Some old Native American arrowheads I've seen are small triangles, with no notches..Others seem to be slightly larger with notches, different style, but still small enough for an arrow... My Uncle Tom knew a lot more about them than me, obviously..and I really wish I would have asked more questions about them while he was still alive. Maybe there's someone on here, an expert that can fill me in?? Any spear heads.. All arrowheads?? Anyway, thought I'd share.

    Much respect to the Indians, I look at these heads and wonder how many have been shot at or possibly hit and killed an animal....200..300..400 years ago. I wish I knew. The fact that these pieces of stone directly related to humans surviving, or not...well that is awesome to me. Many great memories hunting with Uncle Tom as a kid, and I am very grateful for not only this set of arrowheads..but the passion he passed down to me for the outdoors, and his wisdom of "never forget where you came from".

    Any of you come across these before while out searching?​
  2. bowmanaj

    bowmanaj Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 15, 2009
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    SE Indiana/SW Ohio
    Hey nevermind guys and gals, someone just gave me an awesome link to help me with my research... But thanks anyway.... and thanks Lady Forge!
  3. MadMan

    MadMan Die Hard Bowhunter

    Apr 13, 2010
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    This just got my thinking, I never really look for anything else when shed hunting but sheds.

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