I was reading Fairfax County, VA's job listing website today and just looked at the Police Officer job listing. One of the parts of the contract was that no Police Officer would use tobacco on or OFF the job and failure to comply with that policy would result in immediate termination. HUH? First off, I don't understand how a government run agency can tell their employees that they cannot use a legal product. Whats next for the Police Officers, no caffeine products? The no tobacco use policy seems very invasive. Again I am not a smoker but the policy struck me as being very rigid. Heck, military personnel use tobacco products all the time. Dip, smoke.......
Jeff I understand about the insurance thing. What about all the fat people that work in local county government? Does the county say that they may not eat any Hostess products or risk immediate termination? How about all the cops that drink and get drunk at the Police Hall? How about a no alcohol rule for cops since it raises cholesterol and one's blood pressure?
we researched this same issue recently for our employee health plan at work...IL does not allow discrimination against tobacco users...you cannot charge a smoker more for health insurance at work than non-user. Which seems funny, because Life and Auto insurances can...
The military actually has been talking about making it a smoke and dip free enviroment. Most of it has to do with insurance costs. Before I enlisted in the military I was a police officer as well and to see how much I actually paid for insurance was insamce. It basically is trying to ensure lower costs for those who are employed and create and overall healthier enviroment.
How many of you have eve been asked if you're a smoker/tobacco user on an insurance policy application? What's the difference (other than being one further step)? I can't asnwer your question on obese insured. It's too "PC" taboo to address. I can tell you that my wife and I get discounts on our helathcare insur., based on our lifestyle choices. It takes a little time to keep up with the surveys. But $$ are $$.
I have never been asked. We could go on and on with different products and health risks. However I find it comical that people throughout county government can make unhealthy lifestyle choices yet hold PO's to a higher standard simply based on insurance. It is crap and hypocritical.
What do you think about insurance companies' stances on not insuring candidates with pre-existing conditions?
So....if the ins. company for the municipality was driving the policy....would that change your mind? I don't care for the intrusion into my personal life, either. But there's no one with a gun to my head, making me apply for a job in that county. I'm guessing (key word) that the county's just gotten tired of their ins. premiums being jacked up, based on payouts (due to smoking/tobacco-related claims). I really can't see it being a PR move, solely. Just playing devil's advocate. As a taxpayer in that county, I'm pretty sure I'd be in favor of the policy. If my company implemented it, I'd refrain.....or look for another job.
Then just have the police officer use a different insurance company. Have him/her sign a piece of paper that says he will use another insurance company...one that is not tied to the county. Have him sign off stating the county is not obligated to pay anything health wise unless he is injured on the job. Crap, President Obama smokes and we are going to be obligated to pay his health costs the rest of his life. So when I am struggling to provide quality health care to my family in the future, Obama will be able to receive $50,000-$100,000 surgeries to maintain his health, all on the taxpayers. So where does this cycle end?
How about not hiring Police Officers with pre-existing health conditions? We have a lot of lateral transfers in this area, with many police officers coming in from other parts of the country. Just weed out those with health care issues, violate HIPPA laws, and continue on?
This is the exact reason why I have a problem with government smoking bans. If you told the advocates for these bans that the ban will also include alcohol or fatty foods I guarantee you that it would not pass.