Well guys I finally received permission to enter into a lease with a good friend of mine. We have acquired 400 acres in Loudoun County Virginia, near Aldie, where route 15 and route 50 come together. This is the first time in my life that I will have real access to private land, so I am very grateful. As you all know, this place is chalk full of deer. We are trying to make it bow only but may be willing to open up the property for blackpowder hunting in December. We are trying to get 6-7 individuals to join the lease, after we have met and talked with those individuals. That would put us at around 8 guys hunting the property. If anyone is interested please PM me. We are not in a rush to fill the spots and want quality, ethical individuals only. We will have lock and key access to the only road that accesses the property. Let me know if you are intersted in the form of a PM or e-mail, the cost will only be around $750 a person for the entire season. I have a map that I could send to anyone that is interested. I work for the Prince William County government and my friend is a school teacher for the county, so the lease is legit and everything will be handled with the upmost integrity and respect. Brett
Well thanks Guess. I hope a few good guys on here join me. It is a great piece of property, all wooded. The property it connects to is bordered by a large creek and farm fields everywhere, making it a constant bedding area for the deer.
Here is a link to the property I know it is large but the only way I can put it out there: http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=39.01732,-77.66012&z=14&t=S&marker0=38.52614%2C-77.39976%2CN%2038.52615%20W%20077.39975&marker1=38.53057%2C-77.39940%2CN%2038.53057%20W%20077.39939&marker2=38.52804%2C-77.39771%2CN%2038.52805%20W%20077.39770&marker3=38.53131%2C-77.37202%2CN%2038.53132%20W%20077.37202&marker4=39.01478%2C-77.66021%2C7.7%20km%20S%20of%20Loudoun%20County%20VA&marker5=38.62346%2C-77.52005%2C7.5%20km%20SxSW%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker6=38.60575%2C-77.47880%2C9.3%20km%20S%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker7=38.62255%2C-77.53176%2C7.9%20km%20SxSW%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker8=38.61637%2C-77.53884%2C8.8%20km%20SxSW%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker9=38.61652%2C-77.54002%2C8.8%20km%20SxSW%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker10=38.63776%2C-77.51232%2C5.8%20km%20SxSW%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker11=38.62110%2C-77.52212%2CN%2038.62110%20W%20077.52212&marker12=38.62101%2C-77.52044%2CN%2038.62101%20W%20077.52044&marker13=38.62068%2C-77.51880%2C7.7%20km%20SxSW%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker14=38.62049%2C-77.52027%2C7.8%20km%20SxSW%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker15=38.62542%2C-77.51757%2C7.2%20km%20SxSW%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker16=38.60708%2C-77.53322%2C9.6%20km%20SxSW%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker17=38.61725%2C-77.52167%2C8.2%20km%20SxSW%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker18=38.61055%2C-77.46421%2C9.0%20km%20WxNW%20of%20Prince%20William%20Forest%20Park%20VA&marker19=38.62579%2C-77.48520%2C7.0%20km%20S%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker20=38.62441%2C-77.48625%2C7.1%20km%20S%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker21=38.62250%2C-77.48567%2C7.4%20km%20S%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker22=38.63057%2C-77.47698%2C6.6%20km%20SxSE%20of%20Brentsville%20VA&marker23=38.97547%2C-77.64055%2Caldie%5C%2C%20va
Hey congrats on aquiring the new hunting land. I cant stress enough the importance of getting quality individuals for the line up. We went through a couple of bad apples on our lease when it first started. apples rot and new ones grow :d we are sitting pretty now. good luck with yours
Thanks blood. I have always tried to hang around good, quality people who are loyal to the objectives of the group. I am going to try and pick the best candidates so that we can all enjoy our hunting seasons.
I am flying out to Texas/Oklahoma this weekend. I will be gone until late next week. I will answer e-mails and such as quick as I can while I am gone. Thanks for the interest all. Brett