Well I got out yesterday after work. I got into where I know there are some birds. I'm sitting up against a tree and have been sitting there 45 minutes or so. Now it had rained all day (and just about all week for that matter) so the ground is soaked. Anyway I'm sitting there when a bird catches my eye. I turn my head slightly and notice that it is 2 hens. I ease my hand over to grab my shotgun (I know I know BH.C sorry :d ) to be ready in case there is a gobbler around. As soon as I move the shotgun the hens busted me and take off flying. Turns out it was actually 3 hens, but never did see a gobbler. This was about 6:45 so I'm pretty much done. I wanted to try and roost some birds but the fog was so thick I couldn't even make out the tops of the trees. Fast forward through the night my alarm goes off at 4:45 this morning. It is raining out but not too bad. So I grab my phone to check the weather channel. North GA is covered in green with darker green, yellow and some red not far off. I check the forecast and we have a severe weather advisory with chances of thunderstorms, hail and tornados! Needless to say I stayed home this morning. Hunting day down the drain .
The rain is suppose to move out today sometime. I may try to go back out this evening and in the morning before church.
I feel your pain...I went after work ysterday and as soon as I hit the first call tghe bottom fell out again. We are supposed to have a good day tomorrow an d this rain is back in Tuesday. GA I have not really spoken with you a alot but some of these other guys know my set up from HNI. If we get much more rain today the chattahoochie will flood all of our land. We actually hunt 70 acres in S Fulton and I have a stand 50 yards from the hooch. Yesterday it was at the banks and all the tributaries were also there. We may actually benefit because we have 30 of those acres well above the flood plains and a subdivision is the only other spot that high. They gotta go somewhere and I would not mind shooting those fish if they climb in the barrel. I have some land I hunt outside of Lagrange and that will be my only oither option beside pauldiing forrest. Maybe since they been holed up all week the break in the weather tomorrow will get them to commit suicide. I think if I only got 2 months to do it...and rain held me up for a week I would be an easy target as soon as the sun comes out. Good luck to all.
I hunt mostly WMAs up here. I like Pigeon Mtn, Johns Mtn and Berry a lot. I've only been to Pigeon so far this year. I was planning on going rain or shine today but with it being severe weather I opted for indoors. I live close enough that I like to hunt TN as well. Their season opened today. It's actually looking like it is already starting to break up here. I may head out here in a little bit and see if I can get in on those birds again. Good luck to ya.
Yeah, I just checked wunderground and it looks like the we are going to be OK in the next hour or so. I will get dressed and head out. I have wanted to get out to Berry WMA to hunt deer as I hear they are not real big but they are plentiful. It is hard to leave Fulton where it's bow only. Good luck and I hope you get one.
How did your hunt go...mine was interrupted by our local tresspassers AGAIN. We have lost cameras, and the other guys on the road have lost stands, cameras etc to them. They are the last house left on the road after everyone else sold out to a subdivision a few years back. They all have been caught and convicted of tresspassing/meth at one time or another. They were on 4 wheelers tongiht and I was on foot. The gentleman who leases the builders land next to us is a police officer and they know this...they shot a deer of his dove field with him in it this year with a gun...bow only part of county. Oh well enough crying, I hope everyone did well and hope the storms miss you over the next few minutes...tornado warnings for N GA. It's back on to Thunder Ridge in the morning.
I couldn't get away to get back into the woods. The wife was enjoying me home so I figured scoring some points would be good. We went for a drive around the country tonight and around 6:30 we past a farm that had about 20 turkeys in the field. There were 2 strutting around out there. I was tempted to whip in and ask for permission to hunt it. :d I'm going to try for a hunt in the morning back on Pigeon before church but I'm not sure how that will go with the time constraint. Otherwise I'll be back at it on Friday. I'm off every other Friday so I should have 2 good days of hunting next weekend...assuming the weather isn't too bad. That stinks about your hunt. Good luck tomorrow though!
Last Saturday I left at least 3 strutters in a field as time ran out and I had to get back for church. I will miss tomorrows service to get down to thunder ridge but I will probably make the evening service. If you go good luck and be safe.