So i have been dealing with a lot of nocturnal deer frustration. The deer in my hunting areas are all feeding heavy and active an hour after shooting light till an hour before shooting light. I have been fortunate enough to shoot two deer but it was right before i ran out of light. I have been hoping for more snow and colder weather to make the deer more active during the hunting hours. I am not sure if that will change things or not. My other thought was to switch to a timer automated feeder in hopes to condition the deer to feed when its available as opposed to the gravity feeder having food on demand all night. What are your thoughts and experiences.
If you hunted public land like I do in Maryland because that is all that I have to hunt you would not have to worry about that.
The problem with the weather being as warm as it has. The deer dont need to eat from feeders to survive. There is so much food out there for them this year, that they dont have to get up before dark to eat. You could try the automatic feede,I just dont think it will work like it normally would. Good luck, I hope you get some nasty weather before your season ends.
I agree with Tom, this time of the year we need cold temps and snow to make them move earlier. I'm in the same boat here in SE Wisconsin. It's been a tough late season since the weather has been mild. Good Luck, I'm still trying to fill some tags too!
Weather plays a HUGE roll. I am hunting Southern Il. and it has been in the 50's Most of December. With january here now you would think the weather would be in the 20's at least. On the trail camera's all our activity after gun season has been nocturnal. One thing you may want to try Is stalk. If there is no activity in the stand get down and slowly creep through the woods. Look for a tail wag or an ear twitch. They could be 40 yrds from you and blend in so you need to move extremely slow and be very alert. You just might catch a bedded deer of guard and be able to get a shot off.
Auto Bait Cover Hey, just looking for some input on how other hunters feel about this new bait cover idea. Basically it covers up your standand bait pile and allows the user to program the timer which open and closes the cover of your bait pile. It holds up to three gallons of feed which is more than plenty for most states feeding laws. The idea of the ABC "Auto Bait Cover" is to make the hunter in control of when the deer come to feed because your common feeder tells the deer when to start feeding but they can't force the deer to stop feeding,(very important for deer that are mainly active at night). If you have any question check our the website below which will hopefully be completed soon or shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]