good luck to those on stand today. got my stuff all washed and packed and ready to go.....but, I am in buck only mode for the first month or so. I wont shoot does until its colder. ive had meat go bad too often in early season. so im after bone only until a good cold spell!!
I got the oats planted over the weekend. Also hung up a Covert camera near one of my stands in a funnel between 2 fields. There were alot of small tracks there, hopefully the camera will show something decent. I won't be pulling it until I get back from Colorado. Good luck to everyone out hunting!
Good luck to all you guys entering the woods today! Good luck in Colorado BBM.. hope all the handwork and preparation pays off!
waiting for the wifey to get home so I can go sit it the stand for the first time!!! so pumped!! got a pretty good bead on a nice ten pointer. hes been coming out of the tree line about twenty yards from one of my stands at the exact same time every night for the last six days. if he does it again tonight......YAY for me!!!
Good first day on stand. Had two mature does and two fawns around me for about 30 minutes. Had both does 15-25 yards multiple times. Perfect shot opportunities. Held off because they kept looking down the logging road. I was waiting to see what might be coming. Nothing ever did and they eventually walked off. There will be plenty more opportunities for does. Try again tomorrow.
Hey guys.. I'm taking off for South Dakota tomorrow morning -going after some antelope! Should be a blast but I expect to be disconnected for the next 10 days so I just want to wish everybody that'll be hitting the woods, Good Luck!
Well I lucked out, got a chance to travel and an now in NJ. Will be setting up stands tomorrow morning and will be hunting Thursday afternoon through the weekend. Hoping to see some deer and get on the board!
Been out the last 4 evenings hunting. Seen deer every sit which is good. Could've killed does in two of the sits. Below is why I'm holding out. It's not a very good pic but you can get an idea of his frame. I snapped the pic with my phone off my computer screen from the footage I got of him. It's long range footage so I zoomed in tighter. Very blurry pic but he's a pretty good one....mid-40's I'm guessing. He's a main frame 9-point with a kicker off his right G2. I had him at 200 yards yesterday evening. I made a move on him this evening but he was a no show. Try again tomorrow.