This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday is muzzle loader here. So I won't be in the woods with my bow but instead sitting with my two kids and the t/c trying to get them kill a few does. Back at it again next week.
Looks like I'll be hunting some river bottom ground Sunday morning with a friend. It's several miles in by boat, so hopefully we will see some unpressured deer. Last year when we hunted there I saw a really nice buck but couldn't get a shot.
Anybody started using there calls yet.? I'm looking forward to getting the horns and grunt tube out next week..
with all the rubs and scrapes im finding, I decided to do a little calling last time out. no luck.....but it felt good!!!
Two weekends ago I heard two bucks sparring and a grunt after. Last weekend about a hour after light I let out a couple grunts and instantly a buck grunted back 3 times. He was about 80 yards away I could hear him walking but he never came in so I didn't get a look. All seems a bit early but it has been colder on those days and I think it had em fired up a bit.
same here, mark. these bucks in Missouri are getting fired up about two to three weeks earlier than usual. cant explain it, but im going out right now to do a little rattlin....a little gruntin....and hopefully some shootin!!!
sounds good guys.. I love this time of year. One of my most memorable encounters ever came a minute or two after rattling. If any of you are interested in watching that encounter checkout the link: my encounter starts at about the 7.50 mark.
Hello all! It's been a while since I've been on here. It's been fairly slow hunting for me. I've seen plenty of deer, just none of the bucks I'm after. I keep saying I'm going to take a doe, but I keep holding out. It was youth season in IL last weekend. I took my oldest son, Drew, over there. He was able to take a 3.5 year old 8 point. He was definitely lacking in the antler department for southern IL. Generally a 3.5 year old is a mid-130's buck. This buck is around 115, maybe 120". Nevertheless, we were both excited about it. On the hunt, we brought a decoy and did some rattling. Maybe 10 minutes after our 2nd rattling sequence he showed up in the corner of the cut corn field we were set up on. After about 15 minutes, he finally moved to a position where he could see the decoy, I let out a grunt and he trotted right in. Drew took a 60 yard shot and dropped him in his tracks. It was a great hunt and good footage. So, the deer are responding to calls and decoys down here in my area. Here are a few pics of the buck.
Killed two does with the ML yesterday, and saw about 1,234,132 deer. Only 1 buck-a little fork horn. Ready for November already!
Well... my best friend killed our #1 hit list buck this afternoon in WI.! I couldn't be happier for him! It was a buck we called 'Eddie Lacy'; before the shot he worked a scrape and tore up a tree for 5 minutes... Love this time of year.!
Next up.. Buck we call Jordy. We have him on camera during shooting hours a few times over the past couple weeks, plus we have an idea where he beds. Hope to get on him this weekend.
The boat ride up the river yesterday morning didn't produce any deer, but found some good sign. We will be back in there around Halloween. I finally saw my first deer from the stand yesterday evening. Just a fawn, but it was nice to see a deer. I hadn't seen one since we were driving through Kansas last month lol.
who's hitting the woods this weekend.? I'll be in WI and I intend to use a decoy... Does anyone have any stories to share using a decoy.? I hunt in an area where the deer seem to respond well to calling so I'm hoping the decoy adds one more element to the calls and get's us an extra close encounter or two. Good luck fellas.!
I don't think I'll be out much if at all this weekend. I have to mow the yard and attend 2 cookouts. Might get out Sunday evening for a bit...