Congrats. Did you get it? I ended up taking today off. I don't know what's going to happen for sure but I'm really hoping I get to go hunt. Then if I do I just have to figure out what stand to hunt.
Sorry to report.. We didn't find her after a 400 yard blood trail. We gave her 4+ hours after a shot that was a touch high; we figure I got 1 lung... not once did she bed. I'll post the video to get your guys thoughts on it after I cut the footage up. Sorry for the news.. I feel terrible, first doe I've ever lost. I won't shoot another one now til after the rut. I'll be back at it next week for the big boys.
Good Luck man.. it's an awesome time to be in a tree.! I'll be in WI hunting 10 of the next 14 days starting this weekend.
so how would you guys hunt this ? this is my property as you see we have alot of stands but idk where ishould be hunting this time of year.