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No yote, but still a good morning

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by OKbowhunter, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. OKbowhunter

    OKbowhunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Stillwater, OK
    EDIT: This turned out alot more long-winded than I planned:confused:

    Last week I was wandering around Bass Pro, between rounds of the pop-up shoot, just looking around and seeing if there was anything I just couldn't leave without. I went to the archery section first thing, but since I had seen everything they have to offer atleast 18 times, I started to explore other areas of the store. Did you know they have home decor section? I didn't. But anyways, I started looking at shotguns, because next to a fine-tuned bow, ain't nuthin better than a quality shotgun:d

    But alas, I grew bored with that and started to explore again. I skimmed through the elk hunting section (acting like I actually knew what I was looking at), dreaming of the elk hunt that I WILL go on one day. The next isle over was the predator hunting gear. Now, I do enjoy trying to coax in yotes and bobcats, but I found out early in my career, I suck at it:cry: But then something caught my eye. They had a Feather Flex rabbit decoy on the shelf. This thing is just like your average turkey decoy...but it's a rabbit (foam body and a plastic stake). Suddenly I had a wonderful thought. I was going home from school for the 3 day weekend. Why not try to whack some yotes while I'm there?

    That was all the convincing I needed, and the little foam bunny came home with me. Fast forward to this morning (Saturday morning)

    I set up in one of my stands with Mr. Wabbit 20 yards out to my left. Right after the sun peaked up, I started to let out those ungodly sounding cottontail distress calls. Mere seconds later I saw a patch of brown speed right past in front of me. I realized it was a coyote, and since he was running the wrong way, I let out another call. He quickly whipped around and headed back in my direction. He dove down in a small creek bed and creeped his was toward me. After he got closer, he spotted the decoy and went into attack mode. He trotted a few cirles around it and took an occasional snip at it head. Now, while all this is going on, I am up in the stand, at full draw. I tried everything I could to get this guy to stop moving around, but he must have just had a 5 Hour Energy or something. He was hyped up for sure, and he continued to spaz around until he realized it was only a decoy and trotted away.

    I let my bow down and figured my hunt for the morning was over. But I pulled out the call and try one more time, just in case. I let out more sqeals and screeches and then sat and waited. Much to my surprise another yote comes running from the exact same direction and goes by me just like to other one did. Same scenario as before, I call again, he whips around, and come back toward me. This one decided to stay on his side of the creek though. I could see down the path he was heading and there was only one open spot that would give me a shot. I stood up, clipped on the release and waited to him to move a little further down the trail. When he moved to 5 or 6 yards from the opening. I drew the bow and waited. I took a quick glance and tried to judge the distance. That is where I went wrong. He stepped into the opening and I made a little grunt/wheeze/cough/scream noise to make him stop. I placed the pin on him and tripped the release. WHIF! I sent it right over his back and he bolted out of the county.:bash: After taking the time to look, I realized that he was not nearly as far away as I first thought. Oh well, it was fun nonetheless. But you can bet I'll be after them again sometime this weekend:tu:

    Oh yea, and I took some pics. Cuz I know you guys just like scroll down past the story and look at the pictures everyone takes:whip:

    View of Mr. Wabbit from the stand

    The spot where I missed to yote. The opening on the right side of the frame.

    Close ups

  2. Bols

    Bols Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 29, 2008
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    Great story and wonderful photos to help paint the picture. Thanks for sharing!!

    Next time you head to Bass Pro pick up a rangefinder, would ya!! ;)
  3. in da woods

    in da woods Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    S.E. Wisconsin
    Cool story, & nice pics. Any time out in da woods is a good time. Isn't a rush, when you let that arrow fly. Then the adrenalin lingers on. I'm jealous that your out already. Hopefully you'll get another chance at them.
  4. stikbow26

    stikbow26 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Dude you are the man going out after them with a bow!!!!:cool: I use the ole stand bye 22-250 let them eat lead!!!:hail: Great pics looked like a beutiful morning!! Walt
  5. peakrut

    peakrut Facebook Admin

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Is the season year around for you guys as it is here in Wi?
  6. OKbowhunter

    OKbowhunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Stillwater, OK
    Yep twenty-fo seven, 365
  7. stikbow26

    stikbow26 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Nope it opened Aug-15 here in Mich..!

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