I usually take a whole week off from work to go turkey hunting. This year my butt has been stuck in the police academy, so I couldn't really "sneak" out. I've been hearing my friend's hunting stories all week long, and it's been absolutely killing me! The same goes for this sight's good stories! So, I went roosting friday night and only found 1 bird sleeping, but that was good enough for me! My buddy and I set up about 75 yards away and actually saw him strutting in the tree and gobbling up a storm. Needless to say, he dropped down and stayed with his hens, but it still satisfied my craving even though I didn't pull the hook! After that, I proceeded to walk about...ummm....8 miles(I actually touched 4 different towns on the same trail), in search of a gooble.....Nothing! O well, maybe next saturday.......
Turkeys drive me absolutely mad! Then one day, all of a sudden, for absolutely no apparent reason what so ever.......The light switch is flipped on and they're all over the place.....Frustrating damn birds.