HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The bill to allow a small group of enthusiasts to hunt with spears has been stopped in the House. The measure targeted at a subgroup of hunters who hunt like prehistoric man for sport was tabled in the House Fish, Wildlife and Parks committee Friday. The bill, which had already passed through the Senate, drew a large amount of public interest because of its unusual topic. Gov. Brian Schweitzer singled out the spear hunting measure as a "kooky'' proposal from tea party conservatives that hold sway in the Legislature. Hunters supporting the bill say it's an exciting sport that connects them with the outdoors. Critics of the proposal say there is no need for the legislation and that spear hunting could be used for poaching. What? TEA Party?? Poaching??? Good Grief! I guess that means I can’t use a rock?
Yeah, if I were going to poach, it would probably be with either a spear or a walmart baggie. Everyone knows that these are the tools of choice amongst poachers. Just imagine if those darn kooky Tea Partiers got their way... Soon they'd be legalizing zipties and sporks as legal hunting weapons. There'd be no game animals left in the state with that kind of technology in the woods. The horror! Good for Montana. This stuff must be nipped in the bud!!