Went out shed hunting today and didn't have any luck, but I did find these.... The guy on the left might just be a target come spring
Very nice! Passed a flock on the way home from work not more than 20yds off the road. Had our local flock come in to me on Saturday to about 60yds as I was standing in the wide open with no camo. Sort of neat, and hopefully they stick around for spring.
Yeah Matt, there was about a dozen in this group. I stepped out into the field about 80 yards from them and they just continued to work their way towards the woodline. I wish I still had a nice digital camerma instead of the P.O.S. Kodak that I have as I could have got some really nice shots. Hopefully within the next few weeks I can pick up a nice digital SLR camera.
It's just around the corner guys! I can't wait! Anyone remember this pic? Not sure which bird exactly, but after I posted this pic last year, a few weeks later I ended up calling this entire group of 5 into my set all within 10 yards on the second weekend. I still remember sitting in the blind when it was so foggy that the birds were double and triple gobbling only 100 yards away in the open field, and we couldn't see them until they were right on top of us. Dan waxed one of them, not sure which.....but it had almost 2" spurs on it. It was quite a morning. Wish I would have applied for an extra turkey tag last spring.......they all stood around wondering what happened after Dan flattened his. Before: After: :d
Alright! Any ideas for what kind? If you need any help, let me know. Matt, that's a great picture, and I remember it well. I'm hoping my luck can continue. I called in three nice gobblers in two sits in my first season last spring. Took the last one, and then another this fall with the bow. I've never been this lucky in any aspect of hunting.
That picture is insanely awesome Matt. You have quite the hunting grounds for turkey it appears. Best of luck this spring!
Matt, I love that photo, that'll definetly get you pumped up for the spring. Love Dans photo too, thats an awsome bird! I am still just looking around. My buddy just bought a new Pentax K200D and I really like that camera, but I am still looking around at some others like the Panasonic G-1, Nikon D40, Sony DSLR-A200W and the Canon Digital Rebel XS. I still haven't ruled out the Digital SLR type cameras like the Fuji FinePix S100fs, Canon PowerShot SX10 IS,and Panasonic DMC-FZ28K. I am leaning towards the Sony DSLR-A200W as I found a kit that includes a 18mm-70mm and 75mm-300mm lenses. The price isn't bad either at $569.00
Man that is something I'm going to have to try to get into. I see enough of them. On the property I hunt for deer, there are 3 sets of Turkeys totaling about 27-30. I have permission to hunt those also, but didn't get my spring permit in time.
Yeah, Sony sensors (or slight variations) are used in a wide variety of DSLRs. I like the A-200 over the G-1 in the sense that it's a true DSLR, and it's not a proprietary sensor size with few lens choices. I like Canon myself, but I DO NOT like their entry level cameras (XSi included). They're too small, and fit awkwardly in hand. I own a prosumer (although older) 30D. Perfect size, and it shoots 5fps over the 3fps of then entry level cameras. Sony has the in body IS, which is a plus over the D40 and XSi lines, but I still like Nikon and Canon for their lens selection and quality.
I have been checking out some of the sample photos and reviews at dpreview.com and the A-200 and Nikon D40 seem to have the best sample photos. The Canons are very nice, but there are so many friggin cameras to choose from!
Cool pics guys Man, spring just cant get here fast enough I seen my first strutters of the year this evening kinda early dont ya think? They were in the field behind my house, Three were in full strut around probably ten hens I tried to get a pic through the spotting scope but they were to far to show up good. love the pics
That does seem pretty early for some strutting. The strutting doesn't really start here till mid March or so. I would love to see some toms puffed out right about now, maybe that means springs coming
I hear ya Ryan, April 25th can't get here fast enough. Nothing better than spending the morning turkey hunting and then hitting the streams for some trout in the aternoon!
Amen to that Jason, we should try and hook up, be it in the woods or on the stream. BTW that is a beauty in your avatar.
Yea, we will have to plan on doing some fishing and hunting. Thanks, I pulled that guy out of Little Mo below the bridge on 119 in the flats by the gaswell.
My Dad loves fishing down that stretch. He walks farther to go fish down there than he does to go hunting!
Jeff, that picture is more crazy everytime you post it. That is awsome. We don't see flocks like that during the spring around here, they break up and spread out when the snow melts.
Talk about farm envy. Me and Jarrod were making the rounds glassing for birds last April before season opened, and when we heard no birds on the roost at our Richardsville farm, we were shocked. Made a loop around on a country road, and saw why in the neighbors field. 100+ turkey, with count em....19 strutters at once. My jaw dropped, I even got some footage on the GL2 of em, it was insane. I am getting an earlier than most jump on this year, AL toms from March 20-23. Apparently they are thicker than ever. 1000 acres of access as the only turkey hunters to step foot anywhere around it. Soley deer leases, and they have no interest at all in turks, but love the fact that we come down as the turkeys raid their deer feeders they say. He sent me pics of a few dandy gobblers this past week, which got me pumped. The only thing about real early season is...it seems harder to call the birds in. Maybe it is the terrain, birds, time of year, weather combo...but last year I couldn't get a bird to budge for nothing. Gobble to any call you had, and I mean any...but that said little about them coming in. Here in KY I have found the same thing, later in the year the easier they come in it seems. Hunting pressure can negate this, but if you find a tom that hasn't been shot up for 2 weeks prior, that last weekend of season can be dynomite.