It nice that todays young men have enough ambition to not wait for a government handout, this country is based on self starting hard working young men building small business and entrepreneurship. You should be proud.
Well we're in with our bellys full, now we're sitting down to relax but the scoop is. As Tony and I were whispering the bull roughly 30 minutes into the hunt I looked up and said, here he comes. The 7 point with his name on it was coming exactly where I said he would come from and where he would walk. As he got to our end of the field though he angled into the corn. I made a few short calls and had him following his usual routine. As he was coming, both our breathing quickened. I whispered to Tony, stay calm, pick a spot. As the buck passed at 19 yards as as my video was rolling, I was wondering when he was shooting as he stood beside me at full draw. The buck was very soon going behind some limbs and I said, "take him" and I heard, I can't. I need to hand it to Tony, he was slightly, and I mean slightly quartered to but both lungs were inevitable but he held off. Had I said take him sooner, we'd have a dead deer. The buck wondered behind us and as I called, he stood forever then finally walked away. It wasn't long when Tony said there's our buck over there and I glassed him quick and said, NO, that's one hell of a buck. A gorgeous 3.5 year old 8 stood about 70 yards out. A few calls later and he was on a string our way. As buck fate would have it, at 25 yards and behind a limb, no shot was taken. The buck turned, walked away slowly because some fawns were racing around down the field. Live decoys will win every time. I'll let Tony elaborate.
Just goes to show there is no sure thing in bowhunting. It seems everything went as planned but no buck down.
Good stuff Rob! Hopefully tomorrow it will all come together for you guys! btw...what call were you using?
I hate that it didn't work out, but it sounds like an exciting evening certainly sounds like bowhunting with all its ups and downs.
Ok guys ///awesome night sit .... like Rob said, that buck came in ..... I could have tucked a shot behind the shoulder and got both lungs ... I would have in NY ... but I wasn't sure Rob would have been ok with it So I waited, hoping he would continue on the trsil snd turn broadside ...he didn't .... he walked right behind the stand and stood 15 yards from us for like 30 minutes .... then we saw a nice doe with 2 fawns ...the fawns were playing in the field ...cute as heck .. then a real nice 8 point ..he came to within 3-4 steps of not seeing tomorrow ...then he played with ANOTHER buck ....sparing ...for the next hour or so .. there were deer everywhere but on the ground so to summarize: Lots of deer shot opportunities pre rut activity Great fellowship great food just an AWESOME time! Thank you Rob for a great time and your and Jenny's hospitality .... this place is a paradise oh yeah, it was great to meet you, Ben!
Tony, I was hoping to meet up with you and Rob tonight, but unfortunately I couldn't make it Sounds like you guys had a great time! Wayne
We didn't see a hair this morning which really surprises me but that is definitely hunting. We'll be headed back out this afternoon to see if the seven or any other buck will come by AGAIN. Wish us luck. :D ps. I'm working on what footage we took last night.