Heading to Rob's in few minutes .... he has invited me to come out and shoot a "cull" buck :D ...jess playin ....so no pressure ....righht? Although I kill plenty of deer each year with my gun, it's been 7 or 8 years since I have killed a whitetail with my bow ... ...now add Poorman and his video camera taping me, all the while I know you jamokes will see everything .... that is ALOT of pressure please pray :D
You are gonna have a blast T. I hope to come up and visit you guys tonight while you are skinning. I will be hunting till dark of course. Ironically I have to travel to NY for work on Tues, so I won't be hunting. Good luck tonight, I will be txting.
This week starts my season as far as going almost every day ... Saturday is the NY opener, AND we can hunt Sundays (I will be going Sundays AFTER church ) and all day Mondays, Tuesdays, and then Thursday and Friday nights!! It's FINALLY here!! So Ole' Rob is generous enough top let the ole' preacher come out ... thank you Rob! Also wanna thank Mudshark for letting me come out last Saturday ... it was a blast and we will be hookin up for shoots and father son stuf thruout the year
No pressure at all bro. I have already said prayers for you, (even before i saw this Post). Your going to be fine. DRAW / AIM (Pick a Spot) / SQUEEZE / THWACK / DEAD BUCK!!!!!! / RECOVER DEAD BUCK / PICS.
LOL ...I LOVE Rob bucks!! :p I just don't wanna hafta open up a can on a ticked of, three-legged Momma bear :D
Like I told you last night man. You speak in front of hundreds of people. This is nuthin! Just don't worry about that camera over your shoulder watching your EVERY move. Don't worry a out the fact that you can't escape it. :D. Just messin with ya bro. You'll do just fine and I'm looking forward to the video. Best of good fortune and keep me updated.
Thanks guys! By the grace of God I will be posting a kill tonight ... I just hope I don't do a Mobo ...of course, I could always blame the Rage ...
Bobby ... the key to being a Pastor is to NOT picture them naked :D let me just clear something up for those that do not know ... I left the church where I was an ASSISTANT Pastor of ... I have NEVER been a head Pastor ... they were elevating man way too much ... financial things going on that were not quite right .. I am currently going to a wonderful church where that Pastor wants ALL the glory to go to God ... anyway .. I haven't preached in front of peeps for about 6 months ....and EVERY time I did ... I was scared so thanks for the advice ...:p
Tony I promise I will not teased you a bit in 2009 if you choke on camera, now 2010 is another story.
PT, Just remember the sharp end of the stick faces away from you... You'll do just fine! Best wishes!