Hi everyone...My dad and I recently bought some property in NW Georgia. After buying it (we live in FL) we went up to start clearing some shooting lanes and putting in food plots, stands ect. Wholly shi#, our place is covered in ticks and we had no idea. I made a quick video of a product I bought off of Amazon to deter ticks. This stuff actually works, yes it has a little bit of a smell but I figure just put my face in the wind and I should be OK for the hunt. Check the vid please email if you have any questions...enjoy your hunt season and I hope you get a good one Ryan, www.tractortitan.com yep, bowhunted and it was hot as hell and we made no kills
Permethrin works, been using it for years but I prefer the aerosol put out there by repel. Used to he called Permanone Buy it by the case and lasts me through Spring and Fall and spring again, but I don't get paid to endorse it so may not suit your needs.
That is awesome, I don't get paid for anything I video. I appreciate any good tips and tricks I can find. Thanks for responding. I am just a firefighter with a passion for hunting and fishing. I have been battling ticks and I just couldn't take it anymore. This stuff worked so good I had to do a video on it. I am a normal person just like the rest of us here.
If true, your first post and joining of the forum is going to be met with skepticism. Pushing a product with your first post is probably the most disliked aspect of advertising. Want to take it a bit further you can buy concentrate and treat acreage, bought it to treat the yard for spiders and other insects. Goes a lot longer way for treating gear than the premix would
I only have 13.5 acres, all hardwoods. I was looking for something to spray on my persons rather than walk in the woods with a pump sprayer. There is no way I am doing that. I welcome the skepticism. Sure, I have a tractor biz and meeting new people through it and gaining subscribers on my YouTube is really cool. I am a simple guy with 2 kids, a full time firefighter and avid hunter and fisherman. This is a new GA property for me as of this year. I got bombarded with ticks and it was a terrible experience. I am simply putting information out there for others that have tick problems. Not everyone has ever even heard of permethrin. I gain zero on promoting this tick spray, other than if I can help somebody I'd feel good. I tried to post my story on amazon on the review section and they wouldn't. I am just reaching out to try and help others. That is all. I don't live or die by my website nor my tractor biz. That is simply for fun and because I love doing it. I hate that I have to justify myself, however; I suppose it is in order. The people that make this spray, they have no clue who I am or anything. I just got it 2 weeks ago through amazon.
Ryan, Thanks for the info. It is a MUST for keeping ticks and other crawling things off you. The smell is negligible because if you follow the instructions and let it dry in your clothing for several hours, the smell isn't there. If there is a smell, you can then spray your clothing with scent elimination spray and the smell is gone. I have been using it for years and so have many people here. Several threads here over the years about it. Many buy permethrin and make their own mixture due to the cost of Sawyers. Good Hunting this year buddy!
Thats awesome! I didn't know so many used it. I love this stuff. Good luck to you too. The weather has cooled down and it is about to happen. Yeeehawwww
From my experience ticks are no joke, two years ago found a lone star tick on me and didn't think anything much about it until about a month to a month and a half later started having flu like symptoms, high fever, developed a rash like an allergic reaction among others. Went to the Doc and long story short about 6 weeks later and two hospital stays and countless tests and blood draws I was finally diagnosed with Erhlichiosis(I hope I am spelling that correctly but probably not). I had kept telling the docs that I had been bitten by a tick and they apparently kept testing me for lyme disease which is more common in my area. Finally an infectious disease doc asked me on a consultation with the hospitalist if I had been bitten by a tick to which I responded that I had and it was a lone star tick. He asked me how I knew it was a lone star tick so I described the tick to which he responded that he would need to have additional tests done. Lone star ticks are not as common in my area. Was diagnosed he gave me the proper antibiotic and after another couple of weeks all was good. I would advise if you are bitten please try to identify the species so if you develop symptoms you can inform the doctor. Different tick species carry different diseases so it is important for their diagnostic information. I have become very good friends with Permethrin since that episode.
Danggggggg, that is not good. Sorry to hear about the hospital stay. My stepdad got rocky mountain spotted fever on a hunt in North Dakota. He also had to get an I.D. doctor involved. He was a wreck. Since you have been using the permethrin have you had any ticks?
I have had ticks on me since but that was when I had clothes on that were not treated. Have not found any when using treated clothing and like you my place is packed with ticks. I was thinking about bringing in a herd of possums as they supposedly can eat up to 5000 ticks per day.
I've been using sawyers aerosol for years, it's great. I rotational graze livestock through some of the most tick and chiggar infested foliage you can imagine. I'd be so eaten up by ticks and chiggars without that stuff I'd probably be dead. Spray that stuff and I hardly ever see a tick or chiggar.