If I were to make a bad shot, and it will happen to everyone. I rather have a Rage gut shot, then a fixed blade gut shot. As for bone shots, there are to many parts to that equation. I shot my buck this year through the liver, caught nothing else. He piled up within 100 yds. I've had identical shots with fixed bladers and have had a heck of a track on my hands. I did give my buck from this year 4 hrs, only because I knew where I hit him, didn't hear or see him crash, and I knew the trouble I had in the past with a fixed blader in the same spot. Rage for me. I do carry one fixed blade for stalking.
I have shot deer with Muzzy's, Slick Tricks and Rage's. Rage is by FAR the most devastating head I have ever come in contact with. I have killed 12 deer with a bow total and have yet to lose one (knock on wood). Out of those 12, 8 of them were with a Rage. There is absolutely no comparison when it comes to blood trails. We won't always hit animals in the boiler room everytime. Everyone has made a marginal shot at some point or another and when that happens I couldn't think of a broadhead I would rather have on the end of my arrows. They have a money back guarentee, that should speak volumes.
I have made some very marginal shots this year for some reason...lack of focus I guess..029 pin.. who knows?? but I do know that the Rage head did it's job even when I didn't.