Ive only been Hunting twice with my friend and used his tree stand. This year I'm going to be alone and cant afford a stand or blind and I'm not really sure were to put a homemade ground blind. So I'll be in the woods with just a bow. My newb question is can you realistically take a deer with a bow by just walking through the woods? If so how do you do it, move slow and let out a few deer calls here and there? Thanks for any tips or advice..
If I were you I would grab a 5 gallon bucket, set up 20 yds from a trail or field, take some brush and pile it up in front of the bucket and sit tight. They sell cheap climbers for like $100
I have killed several deer from the ground. It is very exciting. Normally I sit near fields I know they come to and wait.
IMHO it ain't happening....Cubs204 is right...don't go for a stroll in da' woods like Central Park. Make your own ground blind.....use your surroundings and pay attention to the wind! You will not smell like honey...honey it you know what I mean. Good Luck be Patient Quiet Not Smelly....like jelly...but bad!!!!! Wind direction is HUGE.... set blind up with this in mind if you can! Big Time!
Go to the pawn shops for some possible stands.. If not, here is a VERY inexpensive way to help you.. Go to Wallmart and get the Camo Burlap Wraps (people use these to wrap around their ladder stands).. They sell them for like $15... Get some old tent stakes (fiberglass) and cut them about 2 feel long.. Wrap it all together and head to the woods.. Find a tree next to a trail and play the wind.. Stick the rods in the ground and wrap the camo burlap around you.. Grab sticks and twigs and brush yourself in.. You will look like a brush pile... It is VERY cheap, VERY light weight, and VERY easy to pack in or move should you need to relocate... Good luck..
If you don't have the money then you don't have the money, so here is some advise that doesn't require any money spending at all. Look for some downed trees laying on the forest bed You can sit inside/behind the branchs and be mostly covered. You can even put some extra brush infront of this tree i.e.sticks, saplings, weeds,exc... if you are in a field then hunt on the tree/fence line. there are always things along the sides of fields that you can use as cover. but try to set up were you see a lot of tracks. unfortunitly those trach you see could come from night deer. I hope this helps you out, I've done both ways and have had success, so doen't worry about purchasing anything and save you money for that stand. You can always find stands on craiglist for about $20.
Trust me I AM AN AMERICAN !!!!!!!!!!! Military............ So, with that being said, Walmart is the closest store that would probably have more selection for someone that was tight on cash that would like to enter into the hunting field......... Nuf said. Whatever...................
Doesnt really matter, the camo material will still be made in China. At least by buying it in a Walmart in America , you are supporting the American Walmart employees
If you want to still hunt then by-all-means do so. Just remember to keep the wind in your face and it would be great for you to also hunt in a light misty rain. Take a few small steps, stop behind a tree if you can then scan the woods all around you. Take your time look everything over real well. There have been alot of deer taken this way.
I would have to agree with everyone here...there are a thousand ways you can make a ground blind out of natural materials that are right in front of you....also if you are still hunting don't just walk through the woods, couple steps stop and scan like Archie said, you will be alright and good luck!
I hear ya man. There is nothing cheap about hunting. If i were you, I'd borrow your wife/moms pruning shears and bring them. Go out and cut a bunch of branches and stick them right into the ground all around you. Make sure you have something behind you to hide your movements. Like the other guys said the wind will be your best friend or your worst enemy. Bit dramatic but true. Good luck buddy. Better start saving and shopping craigslist for a Summit Climber though!