Congrats on a beautiful buck! I hope an Illinois bruiser like that makes the mistake of coming under my treestand this weekend! Congrats again, that's awesome!
Thanks for all the kind words guys!! He was well behind some does that had come out into my food plot earlier. He was smelling where they had been and even lip curled(which let me draw my bow) once but the does were already in another plot before he came out. He was mostly worried about filling his belly with some soybeans. He would pick up his head and look my way when I grunted and even snort weezed at him but just kept eating. Finally making it over for a 20 yard shot seemed to take forever!! Heres a better pic. He grossed 150 5/8!!
Congrats on an awesome buck! What a great accomplishment to get one before they even get the girls heavy on the brain.