... is right around the corner, you boys ready! I can't wait! The Wings are going to have to turn on the playoff switch like they always do, can't wait! It looks like we spoiled it for the Schulty's Wild today with a needed win for the Wings! Were about to spoil it for Tony's Sabres tomorrow night! GO WINGS!
I following the NHL very little. I'd like to follow it more but the team I like Nashville I can't get the games on tv. They just don't have the NHL on much down here. So I guess that makes me a casual fan.
You had a typo in there, so I fixed it. Yes, I'm from MN, Yes, I love the Wild, but I have always went for the Wings... They are always good for my wallet. Besides. MN teams are always a let down. Always.
Yep, the Wings hurt the Wild's playoff chances today. It sucks but It Is what It Is. Good luck Joe, Detroit will go along ways again!! On a side note, Injury's killed the Wild this year!!
I don't know why the Rangers put me through this every year. Tied for the 8th spot in the East with 3 games to go. Same old story.
Hell hockey lost It's touch some when all of these southern states entered the league, just don't seem right. Hockey Is a northern game If you ask me!!
definitely tough to be a hawks fan these days, but we finished 4th in the standings so we are in... i'll take it... granted, it's gonna be tough if we make it past vancouver... I don't think we'll make it past the 2nd rd, but that's a huge improvement over last season... maybe the Wirtz is over??
No. I HAD faith. I just lost it some time after they all started B-ing about needing new stadiums. The Wild are consistently okay. THey are good to go. Just need a "Few" changes. Vikings need to just stop. They need some serious changes. Twins would be okay, if their head was in the game, and weren't worrying about their new stadium... Then there is that basket ball "Team" we have...nuf said.
Joe ... you cold hearted bastage!:computer: I can't stand it .... between the Bills, the Sabres, and this left wing, liberal, God hating, tax loving state .... I look forward to getting outta here Serenity now ......serenity now ...:d Oh yeah .... I'll be rooting for the Pens ...... just calll me a glutton for punishment
Down to the wire for the last couple playoff spots! Sure would like to see the Wild make it in and for Tony's sake, I hope Buffalo receives a miracle and makes it in as well!