I thought 13 wins was a bit low for the Packers, ever, didn't have a reason to second guess sota though.
Hell, not sure how many he had when I stated such, but know he's gotten the 2.5 since. Get one more for an even 5
The right wingers should love AR. He simply doesn’t give a **** and does what he wants, he doesn’t PC it up for the media. He’s a super nerd who’s ridiculously smart but also an once in an lifetime athlete. Kinda like Peyton Manning or Micheal Jordan. It doesn’t come along often. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In case you didn't know, the meme is more about the NFL (National Felon's League ) than it is about AR.
I was glad I was watching the Manning's last night because the quarterback play was awful. I get it Ben is old and injured but Baker, at one point he was 0-9 passing.
Ehh, while Ben isn't in his prime anymore the receivers dropped a lot of should have been caught balls. He did have a couple overthrows as well. I watched most of it on the Manning cast, ESPN needs a better commentating crew
Yes MNF crew has been bad for awhile. They need to up that game. ManningCast won’t be back next year, Peyton will be a partial owner of the Broncos so he won’t be allowed to do it. They said last night Pat Mcafee is in talks to take it over and I’m assuming AJ Hawk. Their podcast is actually pretty good and he did a great job a few years ago when he announced a few games. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have had the idea of doing alternative MNF broadcasts for years. Back when Dennis Miller did MNF, if he could have used his A material and cursed it would have been awesome.
How stupid are the Bears? They could be up by two scores in this game and could have beat the vikings in Chicago had they just kicked field goals.