My daughter has a rule for her son. When he is up and in the living area there is no TV on, at first I thought ok new mom what ever. But when you see what happens when a little one sees a TV that is on, you get it. I like the rule it is good for all of us, live life damn it.
My girls are 12 18 and we have always tried to enforce a no tv during the day approach. No tv in bedroom and for the last 10 years we have only had Hulu or Kodi. We don't allow phone zombie either. They both have some social media because I fear it would not benefit their socialization to have no frame of reference of them. I have this and LinkedIn, both of which are becoming so polarizingly political I may be uninstalling both. Gone are the days of arguing Rage or mech or camo or speed or xbow. Come back forum some of us need you to remain (relatively) sane.
You know that is a good point, I originally joined here because my wife did not want to listen to me talk about deer and bow hunting all the time, plus she gives awful advice about gear she always suggests the cheap stuff.
Simple solutions go to the hunting section or ignore people. Guess what I got tired of hearing about rage vs fixed, heavy vs light, which camo is better. Why can't I see or shoot mature bucks, how old is this buck? Guess what I just stopped going to the board. Problem solved if the watercooler topics bother you that much stop coming. I'll never understand coming and bitching about it.
Thanks for the solution , virus. Maybe instead of others changing you could go to a political forum. God knows you won't miss the hunting aspect
Nope, being I already have deer on my wall, maybe year 6th will be your year. Call me names behind your keyboard all you want if it makes you feel tougher.
It's fine, the difference is if I was political and toed the line like him he would not care one bit.
Doesn't matter to me if I kill 10 boomers or nothing over 110 I won't ever be done hunting until my body quits. That's the difference between us (one of many).
That is true as well. It kind of proves my point that peoples (mostly Americans) priorities are a bit off when they have to spend that much money on entertainment. To the point that entertainment is paid better than the essential things in life. BTW, I haven't been to a movie in years and doubt I ever will again. As a matter of fact, if I didn't have the need to see what is happening to our country, I probably wouldn't watch TV.
Honestly, if everyone thought your way, hunting would SUCK. I mean, think about it...what if everyone wanted to live exactly like you. Everyone would be doing the same exact thing. There would be no hunting land left, deer populations would suck, competition wood be even heavier. Everyone would have a house out in the country and be patterning the same bucks. I personally love that people would rather watch sports and go to movies then hunt. More room for me and my friends/family. I never fully understood the “we must save hunting” logic, there’s already too many hunters by me. And by that, i mean the amount of hunters directly effects the quality of my hunt. People sitting property lines, public land being filled up, permission hard to come by, ect. This ain’t the 1950s. The population of America has more than doubled. There isn’t room for everyone to be hunting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk