Sota would you do this for the NFL
I saw a story that the stadiums were going to pipe in fake noise, evidently the Vikings have explained to the NFL how it is done.
There is a company that has an app. You watch the game and then yell into your phone and your noise is pipe into the game. If the Lions to the cardboard cuts I am ordering 3 1.Where I am happy 2.3rd qrt when I am disgusted 3. Me leaving early
The geniuses at the NFL are talking of upping the ante for hiring a minority Coach or GM. The incentive is improved draft position. So dangling the carrot of moving up a “few” picks in the 3rd round just because your team hired a minority is a good thing? Ask that minority after he does or doesn’t get hired how he feels about that incentive. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I'm usually not one of those guys that stops buying something bc of political or societal decisions of a company, but if this rule sticks I'm more than likely done watching the NFL. Ain't doing it.
Said this a bit ago Seen somewhere that networks are talking about adding their own crowd noises and oberlaying fans in the stands. I just have to wonder, will they pipe in Boos and who will decide when that is to be done. I think football will be the biggest impact of having no crowd. I think they should get rid of mic'ed helmets and go back to signal calling from the sideline. Cut the timeclock down to 20 seconds and play ball. Ready for sports, NASCAR and golf(kinda) start tomorrow
I'll take any sports right now. I find it funny on the weekends or evenings when I am off work and scroll some sports stations I get confused. I really don't pay attention to anything happening until I see a shot of the crowd or members of the teams not in action to see if empty seats or people wearing masks Slowly but surely it is all coming back. We're also starting to find out which sports/athletes are in it for themselves and which are in it for the love of their sport and their fans.
Do you think fans will still go and tail gate even though they can not get in the stadium for the game?
Mahomes with a half billion dollar 10 year extension? Yet, we need to defund police precincts across the nation because there's no money in this country to support education and poverty issues.......
It’s called captiism, he’s the best at what he does and he got paid. Why do you care? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And with this deal the term "guaranteed mechanisms" is born. Essentially the team has to guarantee his salary a full year in advance each year or cut him. Even though the dollars are there it seems like a pretty team friendly to me since it has very little actual guaranteed money at signing and the team can cut him at the beginning of any league year if all of a sudden he tanks.
Yet you posted it, funny way of not caring. How does what a football player gets paid correlate with education and police funding? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk