If this is true and DEC killed it to test for CWD. I have to say based on symptoms, it was found to be circling for hours. They should be checking for brain worm, or EHD with the wet humid year we've had. I think the worm , so guy's out that way shouldn't panic yet...
I have been told this is not true, not a big surprise to me. That said it actually is important that as hunters we should research parasitic, viral, bacterial issues with the game we eat. Symptoms in behavior and the signs seen in the butchered meat and organs. Whether they are transferable to humans...such as trichinosis in bear meat.
Further point guys, it's easy enough to look up your local DEC officer number and put it in your phone. They are here to help and if you don't want to be on their radar even twice removed then you prolly shouldn't be in the woods. ( Not at you OND, I just have spoken with guys that say " I'm not calling them I don't want them to know anything about me")
It would be surprising what the COs know about us. Especially those who spend a lot of time in the bushes and woods.
Oh believe me they know exactly who I am.... Lol. Been here many many times. I do not put up with BS.
I see more out from the original post, saying test results are pending for rabies and a brain abscess was found . That these mimic symptoms. So what ever the case on this whole FB thing my original thought were close.
I was surprised to see more on this, though a brain abscess doesn't surprise me. That said most of these and other than car collisions is probably one of the top three of deaths in mature buck. Velvet damage to cracked skulls and ripped out antlers in fights, getting stuck rubbing brain infections ensue. Bacterial ,fungi, and parasites can flood a damaged area causing abscesses to create pressure on the brain.