After having extensivley shot my compound bow, and dabbling with my brothers longbow, I decided that traditional archery was just way cool, and a lot of fun. I know I want to get a recurve, and I know I don't want to pay more than $300. Half of my reasons for going tradition are because of the nastalgia and the looks (why don't you ever see a compound in a movie??) 3Rivers archery is a big help... but there are maybe two bows there that I like forgetting the cost. Google simply finds me more of the same. So my question is... Could I get some links for sites that make custom bows or are self employed, small business owner that can cater to the picky buyer. Or even just a place that has several options of bows that are not repeat bows that can be found anywhere. If this is just wishfull thinking, maybe an older style, used bow might be what I'm looking for. Or perhaps just a bunch of links to sites you know of could help. I hope this doesn't confuse you. I simply want that beatiful wood color without the black fieber glass on the front of the limbs contrasting the lighter wood color and hiding the beauty. Personally I do not like the light color wood, prefer darker wood (like maple) I think that is about what I meant to say, any help would be appreceated. Thanks
This is all ya need....tons of great info here, links to all the bowyers you could want!
i have a sage recurve i got for like 130 bucks lol and it works good i use it for bowfishing but it shoots fine
Find some Traditional Archers and ask questions.. Ask to shoot their bows, most will be happy to do so. Ask at the 3-d shoots for someone who knows about trad. equipment. If you're interested in a used bow check out E-bay or the classified ads of some of the trad. sites.. woodsman
Trad Gang does not allow minors to buy bows, and forces you to have your parents send an email to the mfor you to register. Not saying that mine wouldn't, just saying that it's a big hassel and discourages the young archer.
Really? I never heard that....if you have a paypal, money order or checking account I don't see why you cant buy a bow from there! Plenty of younger members posting on the site!