Alright I'm brand new to bow hunting. Iv got my bow and I'm just looking for tips on proper form to work on when I'm practicing to help get my shot group tighter and more consistent. Also is it expensive to be a bow restrung? Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app
Gonna run you about 100$ or so to get a bow completely restrung totally depends on your bow shop and what they charge... strings run 40-80 and cables 30-40. Just take it in and see what they'd charge... As far as form there's a lotta good vids out there on form on YouTube .. focus on your left arm and trying to not torque the bow, look up at the cam / string angle at full draw and make sure it's straight before the shot. As far as your release hand just squeeze the trigger slowly and pull through the shot. Try to achieve a "surprise" shot . It just takes practice to tighten groups "Couldn't think of a good Signature"
I can't watch videos as they take up to much data lol so iv been trying to figure it out on my own. Thanks for the tips Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app
welcome to the forum. $100-$150 is a fair price to get a replacement bowstring installed depending on what all it needs.