For starters, I have $225 to do my first build. i have a couple of different options that I am throwing around. I have bid on a P32 on ebay, and as of right now, I a high bid, but there is 2.5 days left. I also would like to do a S600, but I would have to send that to someone who would do the hack for me, but I could do my own hack on the P32. I will jump right in to my questions. 1. Which way would be the best way to go for my first build. Now another way I could go, would be to do the P32 first, and then take any cash that I have left over and put that towards a S600. 2. I am going back and forth on buying all the items separate, or buying a kit. Hope I dont step on any toes here, but the kit I was looking at, is on sniper pro. It is $99. What would be the best way to go for a first build? 3. What is the servo, and jacks? 4. If I go with the P32, what do I need as far as parts to hach the P32, and where can I order them from? 5. If I went with the S600, how much can I expect to spend to have someone else do the hack for me? 6. If I decide to buy all the parts separately, can you list EVERYTHING I will need, what that part is for, and where the best place to order it from. Well, I am sure I will have more questions, but thats it for now. I know its alot, so thank you for any help you can give me. Darren
I would suggest posting these questions related to 'homebrews', on the hags house forums. I used to use their site heavily when I built my own 4-5 years ago. The site is: However, I skimmed your post and noticed you have $225 to spend? With the low cost and great cameras available on the market, why wouldn't you just buy a nice, inexpensive camera, and pocket the rest. Or possibly buy 2 cameras, depending on the cameras you want, or if you find a good buy....