So I'm sure it's happened to all of us but today during practice I had a premature release and shot an arrow through my wood plank fence. I retrieved the arrow and gave it a flex test and everything looks good. No obvious problems with the arrow (Black Eagle Renegade) other than needing to redo the vanes. Should i just toss this arrow or is it safe to shoot? What are the tell tale signs?
Only way to be sure is it shoot it and if it blows up you will know. But for a $10 arrow I would toss it man. If you decide to shoot it though please video for reference.
Toss it. Not worth getting graphite splinters which are almost impossible to remove. One arrow is cheaper than an ER visit.
LOL damn...I just bought these too... It's been decommissioned. Mounting it as a reminder to keep my boogerpicker off the trigger. Thanks y'all
Use Gold Tip arrows, I been trying to learn how to use hinge and sent one through my wood fence to my open field, flexed it a few times put new fletching on it and still shooting it. Hunter XT 340