Hey y'all! I'm new to archery/bowhunting (shot before but it was 2 years ago on a friend's bow). I picked up a bow today finally. I'll be frequenting a local range to practice this coming year to hopefully be confident to hunt next season. Also hoping it'll give me something fun to do and a little time away from Mom duties to de-stress as our daughter turns 2 next month. Any advice for when I go to get it tuned? We've already measured to get a rough estimate of my draw length (25"). I'm just a bit nervous because my SIL had a bad experience getting her bow tuned (potentially injury-worthy, thank goodness it didn't get to that point) and want to know what to watch for that would put me at a disadvantage, destroy my bow, etc. Thanks!
Thanks. Guess I should add what happened to my SIL. She went in not knowing what her draw length should be and they adjusted her to be longer, hit her arm several times (the tech had her wearing an armguard, but never corrected her arm position), had her shoot upwards of 40-50 times (she said she was shaking half way through & had to pull the bow up and over to draw by the end). She didn't check her bow before she left, but when she took it to my Dad, he found several cracks in the limbs that were not there that morning before she went. Obviously looking to avoid a scenario like that. I know that it comes down to individual techs, their knowledge, and their integrity in their work. Guess I'm just hoping I'll be taken seriously and not brushed off just because I'm a woman (similar to how car shops are notorious for saying XYZ needs to be replaced when it doesn't.)