I currently own both a compound and recurve and wanted to upgrade a little bit and try to take a deer with traditional equipment my usual set-up is a out dated pearson 45 lb and 62 inch in length and I had awesome results with the Easton fmj 400s with a 50 grain brass insert and 125 grain montecs so what im getting at is hoyt has the Tiburon in a hunting model so what do you guys think about a 50lb 62 inch model my draw length is 30 inches and I was thinking about trying the Easton hexx in the 400 with a brass insert 50 or 75 grain with the same g5 broadheads would this be a good set-up due to the high FOC with that light arrow I can hit a gallon milk jug at 50 yards consistently with my current set-up and would like to keep the accuracy but just want a newer set-up any info would be greatly appreciated thanks and hunt hard.
no absolutely not I don't believe in taking a shot that far on an animal with traditional equipment theres to much to factor in my normal practice is about 25-30 yards i just like the distance for fun
With your long draw, you'll be pulling about 56#. The arrow set up sounds good...you might not need the 50gr brass insert though
Good to hear!! Them g5's might make me nervous though with how sharp of an angle they are when it comes to penetration. I'd look at getting a 2 blade in the same weight possibly. Best of luck!!!
thanks for the help guys its really appreciated ill be sure I post when I decide on what to go with and maybe some pics good luck this season!