Hello, I'm a long time bow hunter and have always used a compound. Recently I have found myself thinking about traditional quite often so I built myself a Mollegabet longbow. The bow is 60lbs @ 28". I have absolutely no idea what arrow weight, or spine I should use with this bow. In fact I can barley hit my target bag from 10 yards at this point. I will however get better. I was shooting my hunting arrows for my compound, and they are a 400 spine weighing about 370 grain. Any help with arrow choice... or at least a good place to start would be great. Thanks, Steve.
You are now starting into a new obsession. I've been shooting recurves for over 50 years. 1) your bow is WAY TOO HEAVY to start out with. 2) if you're shooting off the shelf you need to use feathers not vanes 3) look into getting a bow in the 35-45# weight range eBay is a good place to find a starter bow. I would recommend a Bear Grizzly, Shakespeare Necedah, Wing Red Wing Hunter. There are others but that's a start. For a new bow the Samick Sage is a fine bow at a reasonable price. It's also a take-down bow so you can change the limbs up or down in weight. You need to start out light weight to perfect form and muscle memory and hand eye coordination. Sent from my iPhone using TapaTalk
STARTING A NEW OBSESSION. I think your spot on with that. I know that the bow I made is far to much weight. I am in the process of building another, and im shooting for 45lbs @ 28 inches when its done. My goal with this new obsession is to spend as little money as possible. I have been woodworking as a hobby for about 25 years and this bow building is quite fun. I have learned much about the properties of different woods in relation to bow making. I have spent far, far to much money on my compound bows, and accessories over the years. just want to relax and sling arrows' out of a piece of wood. I know it will be a challenge to get it all right, or at least as right as I can get it. But im willing to give it my best at perfecting my form and spending little money. Who am I kidding.... I will probably spend loads. Cant seem to find a chart for arrow spine, and weight for a traditional bows. Does anyone know of a reference for this info?
100gr of arrow for every 10#'s of bow weight. IE: 40 lb = 400gr arrow 45 lb = 450gr arrow 50 lb = 500gr arrow 55 lb = 550gr arrow 60 lb = 600gr arrow. etc http://www.3riversarchery.com/pdf/ArrowCharts.pdf Sent from my iPad Mini using Tapatalk Bows, Broadheads and Backstraps
Keep in mind the amount your bow may be away from center-shot. This changes the spine arrow you will need.
Finished my new bow. It came in at 47# @ 28". Much better. I have been shooting a lot of arrows threw it, and I am getting a lot better already. I am only shooting from 12 yards but I am consistently hitting the bulls eye. I ended up putting a floppy leather rest on this bow, and am loving it. Cant wait to get outside and start shooting at longer distance.