Hello all, Im new to this site.. I was recomended here in search of a new pack and some better string wax and I see a lot of familiar names. Looking forward to talking and learning from you all.. -Adam
I just switched over too. Good to see so many familiar faces around. Interesting that I've gone from "Life Member" to "Newb" just like that. Oh well!
Rob,-- Haha, well you deserve the status of "Life Member", I still consider myself a "newb".. I am really liking this site, especially all of the forums. Shed hunting forum....nice
I also am enjoying this site..went from shooter buck to newbie. Time to start all over, At least their is a lot of familar "friends" Mikey
I like how fast this site is! Back to newb for me too and it took me forever to move up in the ranks. I just need to post more. Yea theres some familiar names in here.
Who was it that stated they saw this going nowhere in the beginning in comparison to HNI? Looks like it won't be long until the bulk of the posters on HNI are over here instead, and it ain't even been a year yet.