I just wanted to say hi from central pa. I found this site while doing some research for the bow I bought this passed weekend. I would describe myself as a very green hunter. I haven't hunted since I was in my teens, turning 30 in march, and never had much mentoring other than how to be safe. I'm almost happy to say that I have never taken a shot on a deer, archery or riffle, because I would have had no clue what to do back then. I can't wait to learn as much a I can from this site.
Thank you. I have already learned quite a bit on here not only about archery but about hunting in general. Things like not taking up the trail right after the shot, what blood can tell you about where you hit the deer, or about different stances you can use and how to determine which is the correct one for you.
Thx for the welcomes everyone. I have been loving the hunting 101 articles and archery basics. There is some great tips and tricks for us rookies.
Welcome to the site, and the sport... lots of good info and good people here to learn from... one more thing I would suggest for a new archer, is find a local shop that offers lessons, and take at least one or two from their pro... he can make sure of your form and release from the start instead of trying to correct bad habits later... and get to know the guys that hang out there, ya can learn alot about hunting your local areas that way that ya can't learn on a general forum...