Hello everyone my name is jeremy and I am new to archery and hunting just wanted to introduce myself I will be asking a lot of questions and getting as much knowledge that I possibly can so I will know what I am doing for the next whitetail season. This weekend I will be going to a couple of stores to hopefully pick out and purchase my first bow spending limit is $400-$500. Any advice on this will be much appreciated thank you.
A nice RTH package from a sporting goods store or check some pro shops for a nice used bow with accessories on it already . This is the right time to be looking Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
Plenty of good bow packages in that price range. Also if you have somebody you trust who knows what to look for, a lot of people are going to be selling theirs to get the new "latest and greatest'. But as said try as many as you can,better yet find a good pro shop. After you get one, practice further than you would attempt a shot at a deer. Read......Read some more. Don't buy any deer calls yet, and if you have lock them in a box so you don't use them next year.
Nope, it's so that you don't use them. Chances are you will do more harm than good. I left my calls at home this season and I have seen more and had more opportunity to take a shot than I have in all previous years.
A very popular starting bow would be a hoyt ignite. You can get a package and all set up for around 400-450$
Like above mentioned shoot as many as possible and dont be afraid to shoot the new "soon to be last years" models. Its always good to know how they feel and if you like them. You never know when some one will have one for sale looking to trade up.
welcome to the site and try to find the bow that your happy with it can be crazy some times trying to find what works for you but as youll soon learn in the hunting world its all about taking your time
Welcome !! As far as bows I would give Mission archery a good look. Here is a link to their website.Home - Mission Archery
Welcome to the site and sport! Diamond has some good low budget bows. Shoot as many as possible until you find what feels the best to you!
Hey everyone I got me a bow yesterday I decided to go with the bear Cruzer. I have a couple of bows in mind but when I picked that one up and messed around with it a little it felt like the best one for me. Thanks for all the help I really appreciate it. The bug has already bitten me and I haven't even hunted yet.
That's why it's hard to tell you the exact bow to buy, everyone is different! Good luck in the future, welcome to the sport!