Hello, I just signed up here because this site seems to have a lot of users with plenty of knowledge and and time on the draw behind them. I've only shot a vintage fiberglass Bear 30# Flatbow when I was a teenager. Now I want to get into recurve archery and hunting. I'm going to buy one soon but I want as much info as I can get before I make my choice. I'm leaning toward one piece traditional, asiatic recurves rather than takedown recurves because I like the way they look and sound compared to takedowns and I've heard stories of cheap takedowns cracking and snapping at the bolt. I'm comfortable between 50-70#s of draw. I've had my eyes on this bow, or something similar. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1277798..._listing-other You guys would be able to tell if this bow is worthy or if you know a good make/seller of these types of bows. I'm also interested in wooden two pin sights... particularly one that can be fastened on to the bow without drilling holes into it. I can't find a sight like that for sale... I would like to know a way to make one with toothpicks or matchsticks... a design would be great.