Hello, my name is Jesse and I am new to bow hunting this year. I last time I shot a bow was 6 years ago, but I have been shooting my bow a lot. If there is any tips you can give me, I am open to any help.
Tip #1: Don't give up Tip #2: Practice how you play (shoot sitting, kneeling, standing, elevated) Tip #3: Have patients Tip #4: Don't believe everything you read Tip #5: Don't forget your arrows in the truck Tip #6: Wear a harness when hunting from a tree stand Tip #7: Don't get discouraged Tip #8: Aim small, miss small Tip #9: Never think you know everything Tip #10: Don't give up Welcome to the site! Good luck this year.
Welcome to the sight. You will find a wealth of great information here. Just a few tips: 1) Practice, a lot. 2) Push yourself. Get out of your comfort zone as often as possible. 3) Become a student of the game. Read all the articles and watch all the videos you can on how to become a better archer and how to become a better bow hunter. Best of luck. Nothing better than bow hunting!