I had a successful weekend hunting here in KS. Sat for most of the day Saturday and saw a bunch of does. Nothing with antlers, which really surprised me until I caught a trespasser walking through the middle of our property. It's large enough there was no way he "accidentally" walked onto our place. Never saw the people but did see his two dogs running around like a bull in a china closet right through a known buck bedding zone. Pissed me off. On to Sunday. Got to the stand about 7:00 (about 30 minutes late) but still had a good feeling about the day. At 7:15, a doe shows up about 25 yds to my right. She's behind some brush but I knew it was a mature doe. After about 20 minutes she finally walked around and I made the shot at 37 yds. I put my 30 yd pin on her therefore hitting her low. Really low. I watched her run to the north behind the row of trees I was hunting in. I was definitely going to give her plenty of time to expire being that I knew the shot was low. Then I saw her run back past me (at about 100 yds) heading south. Then what do I see, a damn yote chasing her. Then another. They ran into a thicket where I couldn't see her, or the yotes. Then look to the right and another 4 yotes are coming over the hill. I had no choice but to get down and chase off the yotes, assuming she went down in the thicket. Sure enough, I chased a total of 6 yotes off her. She expired just beyond the thicket in the pasture. After field dressing, I found that I hit a single lung as well as sliced her heart with two of my three blades of the broadhead (another 2 inches and I would have shot under her). Really fortunate, I know. Has anyone here ever seen anything like this? Yotes chasing the deer immediately following a shot? Sorry for the long post on my first thread.
Welcome to the forum, I have had my fair share of encounters with yotes. Sounds to me like it was perfect timing that they were there. It won't take them long to find a wounded deer but right after the shot obviously sounds like it was luck and coencidence they were there at that particular time that quick. Good thing you were there to retrieve your game. If you had left she would have been claimed by someone other than you.
As Tribal stated, it's merely a coincedence. I wouldn't let it deter your hunting methods. If anything, get out there and stick the yotes. 2 weekends ago I was glassing about 20 deer to my east when 4 yotes started yelping about 300 yards to my northeast. Needless to say I watched a lot of white tails funnel through the field and into the trees to my southeast. If one of them yotes would have came by my tree, they would have been stuck. On a side note, where at in KS are you located? Good luck this season!
I've never had anything like that happen, but we have nowhere near as many coyotes as you do in KS. The one thing I will say is chasing a pack of hungry yotes off of an easy meal is pretty bad arse. I'd be looking over my shoulder the whole drag out.
Quite honestly, the yotes are more scared of humans than anything. Only time I have ever had a bad encounter with a yote he ended up being rabied.
Haha! Yeah, if I see a black bear up close I am going to crap my pants and run like a bat out of hell (not the right thing to do, I know). KS Outdoors: I live on the extreme northwestern edge of Wichita. Good luck down there in that part of the state. Some BIG deer come from over there.
I shot a Doe a few years back and the Coyotes were on here within 30 minutes, ate more than half of her! I was shocked! Welcome aboard!