I received my Samick Sage this week. It's a blast to shoot! I haven't decided on whether to use a glove or tab yet (i did pick up an "Allen" tab but it was a turd so i returned it). So I've been shooting with just my fingers. It seems that the bow "twang" is very loud. I'm assuming a lot of the noise is coming from me plucking the string with my fingers. Is it normal for the bow to be really loud when the shooter has no shooting skills and the string is without any cat whiskers? Thanks
Yeah...put some type of string silencers on it and shoot a heavy enough arrow and it'll be whisper quiet! Most important, shoot and HAVE FUN! Find some leather and cut yourself out a tab, see if ya like it! I get 5/6oz leather from Tandy, $5 for a big enough piece to cut up 10 tabs! It'll break in nice! Trim as desired!
....if your nocks are too tight on your string, this could also be what you are hearing! First things first, start with proper nock fit!
Thanks for the info. I'm shooting a 510 grain FMJ out of it. Its overspined but I have not put my new arrows together yet. Are traditional strings thicker than a compound string? The knocks definitely snap onto the string but what can i do about that?
Yeah, you dont want your nocks snapping hard onto the string, this will give you false readings on your arrow flight ...ie: spine, also this is probably what you are hearing as well! You can either reserve your string! Some guys file their nocks or boil them, I myself wouldn't mess with that as you want your nocks uniform!