Bought the rims and tires last fall, finally got them on at the beginning of spring. Leveled the truck out at well. Before: After:
Any of ya'll ever heard of this guy? Who IS that Bols guy, anyway?? LOL.....j/k ya buddy.......Truck looks great!
Atleast throw the tire/wheel junkies of the bunch some names.....can I take a stab at em and say Mickie Thompsons? Wish the pic was zoomed in a bit further, lol. Sweet rig man, I love how a simple leveling kit and new shoes can tranform a truck. I love it!
How many acres you got there in that subdivision anyways?? That truck sure is puuuurdy, but it's too clean to be a farmers truck.
Nice whip my farmer buddy. Hey Bals, guess what I spent all today doing?? Hooking up headers on our machines!~ Harvest begins in a week! PS: Im rolling in a 9760 STS this year
This cracks me up, LOL Who gives a rats azz how it rides? that's not why he put new shoes on the Twenty-Five Hundo!
nice!... geez... now I feel like i should post pics of my new ride... upgraded from a 92 ranger to an 03 Durango. Not so nice as yours, but hey, it's a heck of a lot nicer than what I was driving! and it has more storage space to keep my hunting stuff too.:d btw.. where ya been lately? you pop in for a quick drive-by post and then disappear for weeks at a time...
Looks just like my truck. Except mine is a Silverado, 1500, stock rims, no tool box, no step sides, and it's dirty. On second thought, yours is what I wished mine looked like.