AHHHH, predator season alas After arrowing my first Yote last year, Im hopping to get the chance again this yaer I have always not shot at them until two years ago and I nicked the first one, and took one last season :D But have since ask myself,,,what the Hell have you been waiting for :D Anyone else got a yote,fox on there to do list??? EDIT::: I seriously botched the word Today in the subject line,,,,DOH!
Ohio is open year round for yotes, I got one about two months ago and i can't wait to put a smack down on them this winter.
Sweet mount BHF I shot one last year. I shot at a couple more (one I nicked, one I missed low) I've got one spot near the house I deer hunt that tends to produce quite a few predators. Hopefully I will get one tonight
O yea... I have yet to see one from stand this season... but I'm sure at some point I will and I will be ready.... probablly won't ever get another full body... but I would like a couple tanned pelts.
Thats what i like to hear Dan! This year the yotes are everywhere here, unlike in years past... This bastard is dead if he thinks he can roll around in MY scrape for free :D