I have just finished sanding in the first coat of Antique Oil finish for the "Yarra" pass aropund bow. I will hopefully be able to get it finished this week end. It's not as fancy as far as woods go as the original riser as you can see it is Black Walnut. But it is my new design so hopefully that will make up for only being 1 wood
Steve. As per usual I did not have a piece that was 1.5" wide so I laminated 2 pieces together. But yep it sure is a beautiful piece of wood.
I cant even tell it was 2 pieces. That is a way cool wood. If I ever have one built I am definately going to have to think about using that wood.
I like the new riser look , it looks real sharp and the grain on the BW will look amazing when its been oiled up . Cannot wait to see finished bow together .
It looks good Russ. I'm torn about taking it to Kansas though. I'd like to hunt with it and get a kill but I'd be putting my own longbow on the back burner. I will have forever to get it done with my own though. Maybe I should bring both and try for 2 trad birds? Nothing like making it tough on myself!
Well I got the new riser finished over the week end made a few minor cosmetic changes to it I will retro fit the new riser as soon as I get the bow back and send her back on the journey or call Greg to come pick her up :d
That riser is really nice Russ, I know its not all fancy but sometimes less is more, I like the deep color.
Thats very true Zach. Plus it is hard to believe it is actually 2 pieces laminated together. You can just make out the glue line running through the center from top to bottom.
Thanks Guys I do appreciate the comments. Dave. Nope you can't have the riser:evil: Love the one that should be on your door step any day now I really can't take too much credit for it really, mother nature done the hard part in growing the tree. I just brought out the beauty that was hidden in the wood, to be totally honest when I start on a riser I really dont know for sure how it's going to turn out, I have a rough idea and just keep whitlin away to the beauty is there:d
Will brought this bow along to Prince of Whales Island. It was an amazing bow to draw and to shoot and the pics don't come close to doing it justice. It's really a lot more svelte than it looks.