I found this crossbow bolt while out shed hunting a couple weeks ago on.It appears to have been there several months.It has the new NAP Bloodrunner head on it.I thought these Broadheads were not released yet .The head had hair on it and the fletchings appeared to have old blood stains on them when I found them.It looks to me like the head failed to open completely upon passing through the deer and sticking in the ground.The slotted area of the blade is completely shattered.This doesnt give me to much confidence in the new 2009 NAP BH line.
I found it on public land here in IL where hunting is not allowed anytime(damn poachers).This property is very close to where we live Justin.
How close to private was that found? Could someone have shot it legally and then it entered the refuge and pulled the arrow? If not, I would not suspect that person would be to hard to track down as he obviously is a staff member for NAP to have had that broadhead already.
No Buckeye it is not possible due to I found the bolt stuck pretty deep in the ground at a 45 degree angle.I looked at the trajectory and it was either shot from the hill across the street or from a tall truck on the road.There is no legal hunting land in the area.I was hoping that maybe Justin or Todd would know who was getting these heads first.I'd bet the deer was probably a monster too because this area has 170+ inch deer everywhere.
I got my eye out for this guy!:d I thought there was no deer hunting allowed in Cook County? This is also the county I found the bolt in.
Easy there fellas - no need to start a witch hunt and be accussing people when you have little to no facts. For all we know the heads were available through select dealers, or on a trial basis, or some other method. Until you know something for a fact, other than you found the arrow with the broadhead on it, I would recommend no further accusations or blame be thrown around. I haven't had to moderate one single post since we started this site, and I'd like to keep it that way. And there is bowhunting allowed in Cook County, so long as it's on private ground and not within the city limits of a town which prohibits it. This of course limits the amount of areas to do it, but there were a few hundred deer shot and registered in Cook Co. this past year.
I'm still bummed at the Broadhead Damage on the shot, these heads are not going to be cheap and appear to self destruct.
Is it possible he struck something, like say a branch or rock after it went thru the deer. I had a muzzy that was pretty tore up after a pass thru shot. Just thowing out anohter thought there.
Nope, bolt found stuck in the ground per Mech. and had deer remains on it. Unless it hit something in the ground it appears to be from the shot through the deer.
That's what I mean, there may very well be a good size rock in the dirt the arrow hit. Not saying that what your claiming isn't true, just playing devil's advocate.
A wise man recently told me that more moving parts equals greater chance for malfunction. The same man also made me realize what most hunters are really about and what the sport means to them. This wise man made me realize it was time to go back to basics so these neat and dandy heads will no longer be on my wish list. I do look forward to seeing more shots with them through the upcoming season though.
I'd like to clear this matter up as best I can. The broadhead in the photo is a first generation prototype of the BloodRunner broadhead. I can assure you that this head was not shot by any employee of NAP or any Official Staff Shooter. NAP has a strict policy that violating game laws anywhere may be cause for dismissal. This fall, NAP made a small number of these heads available to local dealers and casual "friends". None of the individuals that we gave the heads to shoot a crossbow so it's likely they passed them on to someone else. We are investigating the matter and we appreciate MECHDOC helping us with the investigation. As I said the head is a first generation prototype and as you might guess we've made it tougher and 100% reliable. The product in production has been thoroughly and successfully tested without failure. It makes huge entrance and exit holes, great blood-trails and groups tightly. The head is lightly spring-loaded so it will stay closed in flight yet open instantly upon contact. It's really a great broadhead! Last thought; I enjoy visiting bowhuntinghunting.com whenever I have the chance. These forums are great and it's fun to share field experiences with each other. I suggest that you keep in mind that members posts are not always a reliable place to get product information and "real" tech help for a problem that you might be having. I encourage anyone that has any questions or concerns about any NAP product to contact us at (708) 488-2500 and ask for Tech Help or visit our webpage at http://newarchery.com/#/contact. We really care about our customers and want our products to help you have more fun and success bowhunting and just shooting too. We'll do our best to help you quickly and with the respect you deserve! Good hunting! Bob Mizek Director of Engineering New Archery products
Well put Bob and I have to say after visiting the guys over at the ATA Show they were a class act for sure. T
Thanks for the feedback Bob, I'm sure everyone here appreciates it. It is nice to know that you stand behind your products and are willing to help track down the person responsible for matter. I've been a long-time NAP customer and will continue to be in the future. Looking forward to trying out some BloodRunners for myself pretty soon.