Hi guys! I currently live in Kingston, IL and got my license and tags last weekend. Went to the Coon Creek Hunt club and had a blast. Awesome Instructors and people that made the day go by in a flash. Finished the exam with a perfect score - Yay! Due to some life changes I'll be moving to Wisconsin by the end of the year. My parents got up at 3am this morning and I was so excited they are going out hunting that I could barely sleep last night. Dad started laughing when I saw him walking down the stairs in his BH.com shirt and yelled "Bowhunt or die" at him The property my parents hunt on (Lake Carol, IL) is private and because I started this whole hunting journey so late this year I missed qualifications for bow shooting. Now I have to find some public land to shoot on where I can actually leave a tree stand since I don't feel like the idea of climbing up a tree with a stand at 6am in the morning when it's still dark. Happy hunting