Im working on getting a topo map, but i cant find a good place (any help would be great). Here's an aerial photo of another one of my hunting grounds. I can pretty much hunt everything shown. Ill post up a picture with what i have experienced after i get a couple opinions. Thanks guys,
Here is where I would start.... I circled the spots that I would check out first. Of course I have limited info looking at this map, ie food, how big this area is, N,S, E, W other hunting pressure etc.
Todd, Your middle circle is right where i have had my stump mineral lick for a few years now, i always get good deer traffic through their. Your upper right circle has already got alot of consideration for this season as well, Thanks for your help, Im going to be adding a more detailed map soon with crops/directions/known trails/etc....and hopefully a topo map of the area
Here is a more detailed map to use guys, still working on finding a topo, The red dot is where a mature buck shed was found this past spring, And the yellow dot is where he was sighted in late October last year
Thanks Scott, I actually killed a doe out of a stand where you put the yellow dot in between all the alfalfa feilds
Here is a map with my preliminary stand locations for this far. I will be looking at the area alot closer come September, Yellow dots are possible stand sights for this year that i will check out, Orange are last years stands that did not produce, Blue is stands that deer have been killed out of,
thats strange you didnt harvest a deer out of that star in the corner of that field you would think it be a hot spot
IMO... WAY to many field edge setups... 6/12 are field edges. Get off the fields and you will find better bucks. I promise
Looks like you're a field edge lover. If I had that much timber available, I would get deep into it. I like the yellow dot buckeye marked between the "Old Pine Tree Farms"
I could put a lot more good looking stand sites on your map, but I'll stop here. Things seem to center around the alfalfa fields on this property. My favorite stand would be the orange spot in the middle of the alfalfa fields. I don't think you could help but kill deer there, but it might be tricky to hunt with the wind, depending on where the deer entered the fields. I would maybe hunt the outside edges of the field and sort of scout while hunting to see if there is a spot they like to enter the field from. Then make your move when the wind is right. Good luck!!
I cant add anything that the other guys havent said already. Looks like a great spot. Is this mature buck, "the" mature buck? How did you overlay the labels on the map?
Actually.. I just went back through this thread and noticed that Graf and I were on the exact same page. What can I say.. the man is good.