My buddy Jarad just started bowfishing last year. He's making up for lost time. He shot a 33 lb 5 oz bigmouth buffalo on Saturday and a 48 lb 8 oz smallmouth buffalo on Sunday. He had them both weighed on certified scales. Finding a certified scale on a Sunday that would let him weigh a dead fish was a bit of a challenge for him. The bigmouth was shot from shore, the smallmouth buff was shot from a boat. Both were taken in a flooded corn field. The Illinois IDNR does not recognize record fish taken by means other than pole and line fishing so our club, the Illinois Bowfishers keeps records for our members. The bigger buffalo is now residing in my freezer. We're going to get it aged (thanks to USGS Fisheries biologist Duane Chapman) and perhaps get it mounted or cast. (it takes up over half my freezer!) Just thought I'd share this with you guys. Bigmouth Buff A bunch of big fish. Need a bigger cooler. (Jarad spent $30.00 for ice to keep the fish cold while he hunted around for certified scales.) 48 lb 8 oz. smallmouth buffalo.
Bowfishing is a blast, and it's even better when your shooting fish like that! That's an awesome fish man! Way to go...