Late last fall, Todd and I got a lead on a piece of ground that someone was looking to lease out. They had previously leased it to an outfitter and were generally unhappy with the experience so they didn't renew the contract with them. The ground is in West Central IL near some people we know and they all vouched for it being a very good spot with a lot of deer and lots of big bucks. Todd ran down in January and got a quick tour from the landowner, who only gun hunts and will still be hunting the property this year. He wants to shoot one buck, which is totally fine with us. After seeing more deer sign than just about any property he's ever been on, lots of current trail cam pics of bucks, and a history of big deer shot on the property, we signed on the dotted line. Since then, neither of us have been back and currently don't have any plans to get down there before the season starts. It's about 4 hours away, and I'm so behind on my "local" property to-do list, I just don't have the time to get down there. Which means the first time I step foot on this property, which is about 300 acres of almost solid timber, will be the first time we go to hunt - likely in late October. No trail cameras. No food plots. No boots on the ground scouting. Just some e-scouting of topo maps, and then in-season scouting to make adjustments in the heat of battle. On top of all this, we're fairly confident there will be a bonafide Booner on the property this fall. He was there last year and confirmed alive post-season. Bring it on! I'm pretty jacked and excited to get to work come October.
Sounds like a good problem to have. I actually love those situations. It reminds me of when I first started hunting before there were trail cams and everything is new and unknown.
Well ya know, I am retired and I have lots of extra time. I would be more than happy to go go for you and do some scouting and anything else needed. 'Course I wouldn't expect much in return. Maybe just two weeks during the rut would be all I'd ask! You can think about it and let me know!! Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Well I'm not retired but I'll come kill out there for you. Who am I kidding, I would try and fail. But hell it's my birthday so maybe you will say yes Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
I like the idea of doing the miniseries with this particular piece of property. Call it "boots on the ground," or, "almost public" referring to this property almost as if it was uncharted public land for the two of you.
"Almost Public" gets my vote You have the series for Todd's Dream Farm now we need Almost Public who can photoshop a picture of Justin or Todd with sunglasses like the poster for the Almost famous movie? I don't have those skills
I agree it would be cool to see a series of hunting that property going in "blind" essentially and working it on the fly throughout the season! Best of luck to you guys on that new lease!
All good stuff, but just imagine for a moment the comments they would get for "Almost Public." Poor fellers from Illinois, with ANOTHER lease...just can't find the time to scout this one. Waaah wah wah.
If they took that in stride, and turned it back on the naysayers, it would make the miniseries that much better.
I'm in the same boat, signed a new lease in the Pittsfield, Ill area and have not been able to make a trip yet to scout. Hoping to get over there sometime in August. If not, I'll also be heading that way towards the end of October.
Nice! I love that area. We hunted down there for a few years and would catch breakfast at some small crappy diner in Pittsfield. We'll be about an hour and a half due North of you.
Justin, sounds like fishing is more important then bowhunting? 4 hours...,4 hours? Heck, I've done that drive 100x of times.
I bet Todd already scoped out where the big rubs are and has his tree picked out. I would sit in the tree next to him on your first hunt.
Beautiful, sounds like a perfect storm. Just hunt off instincts and land features. That’s exciting, take the trail cams outa the equation and go have fun! Hope ya get on a big one.
From May through August, it is! After that, things change. And I've made that drive 100's of times as well - before I was married and had three kids in sports. Priorities change, my man.
Awesome area. I hunt a farm about 15 min south of pittsfield in Mozier. Great quality deer. Hope EHD doesnt hit this year