Just picked up this 325 acre lease yesterday and cant wait to hunt it. what ya think!! white is acess roads pink is the boundries black is a RR track green dots are slough's or swamps red dot os a duck blind yellow X is a bridge out several creeks run through it and a small river boarders it there is some grown up reclaim area on the south east corner around the lake
looks real promising but how many hunters? looks kind of like a set I have over in Howard County. Im trying through the DNR hunter helping farmers program come onto atleast 1 new spot this year
Me and six others, Only half of that # will hunt seriously. John, its mostly flat unlike my other ground with the old strip mine hills. It will be a new challenge for me learning to hunt flat ground for a change :D brandon, where you at in Indiana??
Thanks bud, and i hope to be posting of pic of one Im going to do some scouting on there next week on my days off!!
x2...Good luck to you, it looks very good. That is plenty of land for that many hunters imo.. Hope to see some pics of a Indiana bruiser this fall
Yo chub fingers, Do you have a game cam to throw out there? How deep/nasty are the swamp areas? If they are pretty thick or deep you could look for a good crossing. What about in-between that little swamp area to the left and the main swamp area, in that pinch? Have you scouted it yet?
Chub fingers??? :D The last time i was in that area was about 15 years ago doing some bowfishing, and if i remember some of it was thick, but i have not been in the heart of it yet. The pinch you mentioned is one of the places im going to check out. In the upper right hand corner (north east) just abouve the lake is another I have a good feeling about. Its where the woods bleed out into some overgrown reclaim area. Deer LOVE the grown up reclaim area around here for bedding. I Know ill certainly have to treat the ole cloths with permonone before going in. And as for the cam, it will be with me just in case i find that spot than shakes me up :D
Hey how far of a travel is that for me? You know there leasing land out where you work at? Just let me know if you need help hunting that. I'm sure I'm real close to you. LOL I was going to ask you if you did any squirrel hunting. I'm thinking I'm gonna try some at Sugar Ridge this year. You wanna hook up and go some Saturday? Gun that is.
Jim, that would be aprox 15-18 miles from you bud, its in your county :D I wasnt aware they are leasing bu my work place,,,where exactly?? Man i havent hunted Squirrels in ALONG TIME, just got out of it i guess, maby ill hit you up on that sometime, im sure it would be fun again, thanks for asking!!
Several that i know of were over by where the gate use to be where you signed up to fish on the main lake when it was fishable. My crappie hole is right next to one of the leases that I always see nice deer and turkeys at every time I go there. Here is that lease that is gone already. http://www.nationalhuntingleases.com/hfllistings/imagedisplay.asp?ListingImageID=1574 The big lake is the power plants main lake closed to fishing now. There were several others around there to.
Is that 57 running thru there? Anywhere near snakey point? If that is I use to hunt there. Alot of big bucks at that place. Cant really get to it from 57 now. Bridge is out over a deep creek. Could go around the back side or the rr tracks. Not safe using a four wheeler on the tracks though. lol
Oh man I just saw the 57 in the upper left corner. I have some old stands in there. Probably fallen down now. Alot of deer, waterfoul, and squirrels in there. How much was the lease if you dont mind me askin? Have fun with that land. I know you will. How did you come across that lease. My buddy lives in that town and is the one that I use to hunt it with.
If I were you, I'd try to put another duck blind in to the north east of your current one. You can hunt your current one with a south and west wind, but across the lake you could hunt north and east winds. The spot would be great for a north wind.
Jim, yep this is butted up to snakey point.Ill have to pick your brain some more for more information I hate that bridge is closed I have it marked as closed on my map. I dont mind walking down the tracks for access but getting one out of there might be a problem. My neighbor got offered the lease by black beauty. He does work for them so im sure that was his connection. Ducks//// Ill make note of the duck blind info and pass it on to my son. Im sure he will be ready to build some more blinds. Matter of fact he is going to prep the current one this week, it needs trimmed and re woven in. Its even got benches and a roof on it